This tribe of the Amaznia, formed for 350 aboriginals, located to the edges of the River Maici, hunters and collectors the tribe possesss its proper characteristics in what it says respect of the verbal language and writing. In accordance with the Theory of Noam Chomsky, the acquisition of the language has ticket for diverse sectors since the birth the child passes for a process of construction of the lingustico world, come then to make comparisons of the language. In century XX, Chomsky got a great creation for the lingustica, where it created ‘ ‘ Gerativa’ grammar; ‘ , in which, if she seats the manifestation of universal, underlying cognitivas structures to the species human being, based on the intuition of the falante. Chomsky suggests that the capacity the grammar, was a source of language based on the hypotheses of the universal lingustica in the study of the biggest possible variety of languages, to classify the variation and to create theories based on the results of these classifications..