Organizacional Culture
If to intend to get really expressive and sustainable improvements on the climate, we will need to invest in programs practical capable to intervine in what ' happens; ' of the skin for dentro' ' of the people, and that, therefore, they are not limited to offer only theories, models and concepts. Structuralized programs, that prioritize the otimizao of the productive behaviors through the reduction of stress and reactivity, as well as of the increase of the discernment and well-being of the collaborator. Nieman Lab follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Thus, we initiate a process in chain that starts with the improvement of the climate of the individual and that the organizacional culture will be able to culminate with the evolution of all. Perhaps you are thinking that everything this at least is complicated. The things were really well simpler at that time where the productivity problems could be decided with the squeeze of some screws.
But the truth is that the market evolved very in these last years and, if the company desires to guarantee its place to the sun in this new scene, a tip to increase the productivity is to invest in the improvement of the organizacional climate through the improvement of the climate of the people. The understanding of the relation between the organizacional culture and the organizacional climate is essential for the good application of the tool, based on the concept of organizacional climate that can be modified and be influenced by the manager, through the correct application of research of organizacional climate, and others tools. The influence of the Organizacional Culture in the Processes of Change the Psychologist in the organizations also is responsible for the organizacional development, a set of projected techniques to help the organizations to move for better. It helps the employees to improve its performance and to interact with its friends of work of more efficient form through principles and mannering procedures.