Oscar Wilde
Souvenirs that in other circumstances would be good souvenirs, but today steal its sleep. The together nights, the lunches laughing and if amusing, the square and the streets that contemplated its passenger happiness. Madruga it received that it in the arms of its love. The security to wake up and to see its pretty woman. Today it wakes up wanting to see. He wakes up scared finding that it was a nightmare but it is not. It was better not to sleep. The well that steals the sleep, that deducts the hunger, that removes the smile teaches many things.
At this moment, is learned to value it everything what it never had recognized value. To lie down and to be able to sleep, to look at it meal and to obtain digeriz it, to see the friends and to say: It is all good! All these things that had been possible, for not more being, had started to have a with priority value, had started to be longed for. To deliver the heart at the hands of somebody is as to donate a check blank, the trustworthiness and certainty they give courage, but later they can charge very expensive for the commitment I insult. The body suffers to the influences from the disillusion the weakness influences, confuses and compromises all the spheres of its life. The work, the studies and the convivncia are seriously wronged.To love somebody and to be loved; here it is the desire that many has and rare some obtain. It obtains who it has a prize. It acquired who it does not have to lose it.
All say: This goes to pass. The other swims as one day after. Truily. What one complains of is not doubt of that pain will pass, this if it waits. In the truth, it is the deep anguish that devastates who very loved and delivered its life for a so deplorable and traumatizante situation. Saying itself in traumas; it is this that the life teaches. To have fear to suffer again; to have fear to love again; fear to trust and to believe of new. But if it does not have to fear. It must be believed that the life cannot be so cruel. That the human being cannot be so voluble and unstable. At least not all. The hope must fortify. faith in the happiness must the uprising. The expectation of one day to be happy, must sobressair to the lie, deceit feeling and to feel itself deluded. Although he laments, it must think as the magnificent Wilde Oscar thought: ' ' To lament the lived experiences is a form to hinder proper desenvolvimento.' '