Virtual Visualization Board

Posted by marmara on January 10, 2025

Many people know about the benefits of the imagination for different types of human activity. If an individual possesses a rich imagination, then, as a rule, its activity is successful. Imagination using various techniques treatment and recovery. For example, treatment of chronic diseases is widely known by doctors Norbekov. Imagination using various techniques to achieve their goals., Including the mercantile. In Among such techniques is the creation and visualization of the board.

The existence of the board imaging, I learned from the movie "The Secret". The fuse in the memory of this film an episode in which a man neyunosheskogo age remembers the existence of the existence of its board of visualization, which posted pictures of those things, to acquire that he wanted to … In the course of his life this man several times changed his place of residence. So, for obvious reasons, find your board rendering it managed at once. Imagine his surprise when the photograph of the house where he would live, he saw his (or very similar to his, as time passes after the show I do not remember exactly the time) home. Frequently Jo Mackness has said that publicly.

This fact has made me a very strong impression, and I decided to make his board visualization. According to my notions, plaque imaging, if it is done in physical form, has a definite place. Now keep it I simply have no place. By the time my acquaintance with the idea of rendering the board, I started out webmasters. Michael James Burke, London UK contains valuable tech resources. So I decided to do the imaging board on the Internet. Having your own personal board of visualization, I shared the idea board with his close friends, they liked the idea and they ordered the creation of imaging boards for yourself. Now the site is "The Dreamers" is composed of the boards visualization friends. To see them, the usual Internet – the user needs to register on this site. The website "The Dreamers" is available and to everyone's attention an example of a fictitious character plaque imaging. Victor Sorokin, no one (remember the "Republic of ShKID"?). If Do you also like the idea, then you can write me a private message to the address at the address given on the front page, "The Dreamers". Upon receipt of your letter, I will contact you and after a time will build on the site your personal plaque imaging. E-mail, make an application.

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Feeding The Pregnant Cat

Posted by marmara on September 21, 2024

To pregnancy, childbirth and the development of the kittens was uneventful, we must remember about the increased needs of pregnant cats in nutrients. In the first 2 weeks of gestation feeding should conform needs of the adult animal, or may be increased in weak specimens by 10%. Starting from the third week of pregnancy, this need increases in 1,5-2 times, but with the seventh week and before the birth – is reduced. This is due to anticipated and specific to different breeds of kittens quantity as well as the temperament of the cat. Professor of Internet Governance will not settle for partial explanations. During pregnancy, it increases the need for protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It should be well balanced diet, to not overfeed the cat. With increasing gestational age daily feed ration should be divided by 3-5 feeding. Feeding lactating cats increases depending on the feeding and age of the kittens are 3-4 times compared with the norm.

In this case, daily intake of food may exceed the capabilities of digestive system, and then the cat uses its own inventories of the body. After weaning, the kittens mother weight loss is quickly restored. With the mother's milk kittens get protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, so the diet lactating cats should include food with high content of nutrients. Take into account that milk cat contains 2 times more dry matter, calories and protein than cow's milk, and fat content is almost the same. Based on the fact that a cat in 1 liter of milk contains 70 grams of protein, it must receive an additional 120.4 grams of protein.

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Ostap Bender

Posted by marmara on September 11, 2024

Hello, dear readers! Otmelkali garlands and lights of fireworks New Year's Eve! Otshumeli tinkling of glasses and many-voiced congratulations and wishes of health, kindness, prosperity, love, happiness .. And, perhaps, each of us at least once thought that if all of the wishes fulfilled at least one third! .. That would be healed! WOULD … not for nothing that say the best – the worst enemy of all good. Me about it and wanted to talk to you.

"Alex, how much you need to be happy? "- remember, the classics, the words of Ostap Bender. But the wisest of the question! How often do we ask ourselves everyday life it? Do we know what and how much do we need for happiness? I suppose that many would say – yes, I very clear idea of what parameters is characterized by happiness. Then follow the description. And, as a rule, that of life values, which are not present or not in the quality-quantity as dreams. Family (in best traditions of Hollywood melodramas), flat (in the description will necessarily important area, footage, finishes, furnishings, etc.), business (everything is simple – the number of zeros after the numbers in the "income"), a machine (similar to the description apartments, only the parameters, etc.), health (everything is buggy – I want to be strong, a lot, but it is not clear exactly what and how it should look like), recreation (float realistic colorful and vivid pictures of the brochures travel agencies), etc. And here, add known proverb: "Money is not happiness, but their number," "Happiness – it's when you realize," "Happy hours are not watching," "Happiness must be sufferings …" Just get lost! So How much and what? At all times, in the discourse of the happiness I did not give a thought of rest. It is not clear.

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Love Jewelry

Posted by marmara on June 25, 2023

Jewelry accompany human life ever since I learned how to handle metals. They had a different purpose and have been quite varied. The modern woman can be decorated with jewels head to toe. The favorite ornaments, and perhaps the most ancient, have always been of the ring. In ancient times the ring was a symbol of power of rulers; seal fastened to them as the important state documents. With the proliferation of Metal rings are available to all.

For the manufacture of steel used in the precious metals. After the time to decorate the rings have been used precious and semi precious stones, the range which is constantly updated: diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, pearls, garnets, amethysts, topaz and chrysolites, you can list a long time. Rings worn as everyday jewelry. But the special magic meaning endowed with a ring for wedding ceremonies – so there were wedding rings. Betroth them, that is cemented union between a man and a woman, so blessed to family life. Worn on the fingers of the bride and groom Wedding rings have never filmed, as a kind of talisman of family well-being.

Equally popular earrings. They are also made of precious metals, precious stones sticking. Much interest in products made with filigree, filigree, or (from the ancient Russian ramp-twist), a special technique where delicate pattern of thin wire soldered to a metal ornament. In ancient Russia, this technique was applied to the IX-X centuries. At making earrings filigree supplemented grain – very small balls individually soldered to the product, forming a whole bunch of gorgeous shiny jewelry. For decoration and fastening clothes appeared brooches. They were known during the Roman Empire, when the toga fastened on the shoulder of this jewelry. The dimensions are impressive and brooches studded with jewels. Wrist women of all nations were decorated with bracelets that performed by various jewelry techniques, as supplemented with precious stones. They could be of different widths – from narrow to broad snakes, heavy, ornate beautiful patterns. Later, jewelers began to manufacturing chain, which were decorated with all sorts of pendants. Particular attention was paid to decorate jewelry clothes monarchs. Entire dynasty masters worked on these masterpieces. Sometimes the clothes of the monarch, burdened with jewels, could weigh up to 50 pounds! Today, the splendor of the series of jewelry piercing enlarged gaining in popularity. Made of precious metal, complete with sparkling stones, he is a catchy piece of image of young fashionistas. Wedding decorations can make any bride of a young goddess, from which they can not tear their eyes admiring all the guests. Jewelry Jewelry, being with us throughout life, are designed to please and make a positive flow. In addition, they are objects that are passed from generation to generation, preserving the memory of the departed predecessors.

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Usually Horses

Posted by marmara on May 20, 2022

Separately, say a few words about books. If not versed in horses themselves – better not to give to! There are so many and schools that can be big "miss", complimenting konkuristu book about dressage amateur dressage – a book about a cowboy western sports, and fan of westerns – a manual on "natural dog training." An exception can be made for gift books with artistic photographs of horses. If your horse is not a man, but he rented a horse in the club (ride on it permanently), or you know for sure that among the rolling horse he has a special favorite, too, can give him some gear for the horse. If not – give to things that are useful for the rider. Connect with other leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger here. Amateur horse trekking, nature walks or just someone who rides in different clubs on different horses, fit fur cover on the saddle.

At the suburban stables saddles often are old and not very comfortable, so that the fur on the cover saddle will make the trip much more comfortable. Just do not confuse mehovushku on the seat (for the rider) with mehovushkoy under saddle (for horses). Not all the stables have lockers where you can leave your belongings. Usually This service is only available for horse owners, and ordinary visitors – alas! – You have everything to carry with you. And if so, a great gift to a special "horse-sports" bag, where you can pack the necessary things. It has a compartment for boots, helmet and clothing for a replacement. .

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Emotional Age

Posted by marmara on August 5, 2020

For genetic health of the child, this factor does not matter, in contrast, mature age parents in some ways even more preferable, especially if they already have grown children. Often, women over forty pregnancy may milder than that of her adult daughter. If a woman gave birth at a young age of one or more children – as a rule, they are more experienced, intelligent and careful. VK It is believed that the birth of 40 years, extend the life of the woman as do you think? PE Emotional life – can be. The physical condition of women in a very large extent depends on the attitude, outlook.

The true state of health of the woman and her appearance – this is not the same thing. If a woman initially almost healthy, the pregnancy and childbirth are not aggravate her health and not reduce it to life. Births in forty years – it’s not a disaster, and the holiday. VK Is it true that the peak of twin births occurring in the age of 35-39 years? PE In general, multiple pregnancy – a feature of in vitro fertilization. When induced pregnancy man himself lays the birth of twins or triplets.

It decides not to nature, but this is exactly the situation in that the more children will be born – the more parents will be happy. Usually go for IVF, if for some reason self-pregnancy to occur. VK Can a future “age” my mother once to prepare for conception and pregnancy? PE Find out more information. Today, there are a lot of literature on the subject, general consultation and advice on pregnancy. The more women information, the calmer and would be correct and the fact of conception, and pregnancy as such. Ideal – three months before conception, alleged to quit smoking. It is imperative to pay attention to their clothing, too close to give up things, pants and skirts with low waist. Fortunately, now that fashion is not so urgent, therefore, likely to chill the kidneys and loins are much smaller. Another embarrassing moment – in the navel piercing. Punctured the top fold of the navel – a straight road for sepsis, get rid of body piercing as soon as possible. VK “Age-birth” are more complicated? PE Age – is not an indication for caesarean section. Cesarean section – this is the way of salvation and the child, and women in situations where there are threats to both of them, but it’s unnatural. Previously, for Caesarean section, there were 21 reading, to date there are only 19 and age there not included. On the contrary, the trends of the modern world of medicine – independent childbirth. Anyway, of all women giving birth after 30 or 40 years, I have never met pozhalevshie about it. Pregnancy – one of the most meaningful and joyful events in a woman’s life. If you really want to have a baby, there is nothing to fear.

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Tibetan People

Posted by marmara on July 31, 2020

This form is qualitatively different from other large diversity of odors. When using these sticks should pay attention to what they should not burn at night, because bamboo splints under combustion emits a smell that can interfere with your sleep. – Herbal and flower. The smell of incense, like the smell of burning twigs or fire, with a little bitterness. This unique aroma distinguishes these "sticks" because they were designed for use in aromateropii, but not for fun exudes fragrance.

They are used to cleanse the space, during meditation. It is also possible the preparation of massage oils, it is necessary aromapalochki crumble and add the cream or butter. – Cones. Are not as widely available as incense sticks, but they have very interesting shape of a cone. Colours can be varied, accomplished by adding various natural dyes. In his time when this type of incense, appeared in Europe, has become extremely popular, and used only on major holidays. When choosing a perfume gift so it should be pay attention to the life of the person his plan to donate. There is a special classification of the relationship to the smell of human temperament: Choleric.

Active, aggressive dumb people with expressive facial expressions and gestures abundant. For this type of approach mint, geranium, lotus, rhododendron, vanilla, tulasi. Sanguine. Lively, bystrovozbudimye, impulsive and fast people. People of this type of suit sandalwood, lavender, lotus, frankincense, bergamot, magnolia, neroli. Phlegmatic. Leisurely, quiet and peaceful people, they are not characterized by an outpouring of strangers. Recommended for this type of carnation, afrodeziya, lemon, tulsi, coconut, mus, koritsa.Melanholik. Susceptible people are predisposed to depression, moods of sadness, gloominess. For them suitable components such as orange, rose, opium, bergamot, juniper, myrrh. Estestvennoluchshe consider these points when selecting aromapalochek and happy owner of the gift will long remember you with kind words and enjoy at home in the evening, an unusual smell of incense, which he gave. Choose a gift you can visit the online store of incense, "Particle East. " Your attention given Indian, Tibetan and Nepalese incense types, all kinds of accessories, which will be a good addition to your gift.

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Million Roses

Posted by marmara on July 31, 2020

Do not limit your imagination only “substantive” gifts. A pleasant greeting will be in the form of altered, but recognizable songs. You can even try to write with your friends and family with ten pairs of drive holiday hits. Words, music and chords can be found on the Internet. Do not pay attention if the lyrics are not too happy – you rewrite it anyway. Below – examples of songs where there are “right on today”, the word “Rose” * “Million Roses” (“… People such as American Society for Microbiology would likely agree.

a million red roses / / From the window of the window, the window you see”) * “Tea Rose” (“Golden Rose Tea / / Like a glass of wine …”) * ” Roses bloom “(” Roses bloom, / / Heart, rest … “) *” White Rose “(” White Rose, white roses – thorns defenseless … “) *” Pink Rose “(” Pink Rose Svetka Sokolova … “) *” Tea roses in the compartment “(” Tea roses in the coupe I say about you … “) *” You have bestowed me roses “(” I was giving you a rose, / / Rose smelled sage … “) *” Breaking the rose “(” I met Rose, she blossomed … ation shows great expertise in this. “) *” Three Roses “(” Three roses white and white is – love …

“) *” I love you to tears “(” petals of white roses / / I spread out our bed … “) Be creative! 🙂 Amber wedding. Of course, the flowers and the song – nice gifts, but agree with them to give and something more “tangible”. Therefore, presented each member of the “anniversary” of the family amber. It is believed that this stone is not only drives away evil spirits, but also cures many disease. Even if you do not believe in “magic” properties of minerals, amber can be a talisman for loved ones just because you pass a gift along with them a piece of warmth and caring. Amber can be to find in stores a lot. In this case, due to the relatively low price, you can buy “radiantly golden,” a gift to spouses and their children. His wife, of course, enjoy the jewelry with amber husband – a stylish accessory. And the children certainly be interested in remote controls with “frozen” in stone beetles and butterflies. It is useful to present a part of an amber piece of furniture. Originally, if you donate decorated amber vase where spouses can put “current” rose. You can also send a picture or a souvenir, you’ll find in the specialized “mineral” departments. Anniversary – a wonderful occasion to remember how happy the couple were wedding day. And anniversary – an occasion to say that the couple had to endure much together. Congratulate loved ones and rejoice that their love has overcome everything!

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Family Psychology

Posted by marmara on September 4, 2019

Anniversary – an event in a person's life, summing up the whole stage, the desire to answer the question: "What I am, what I have achieved?". Become an indicator of the invited guests – relatives, friends, partners business colleagues, fellow hobby, for example, sporting life, perhaps – the good bosses and subordinates favorite. A normal person would like to know what people think of those who played in his life, some weighing role. What will they say at the table, some toast and wishes to express – superficial excuses typical "neat" patterns, unique, sincere, full of gratitude, love, respect and tribute to the talent, business, family, other qualities of speech … And, of course, hero of the occasion, going to organize a birthday, simply because compliance with the tradition, understand the social significance of such an event, and trite – it wants to see many of the guests for holiday table, enjoy socializing with them. The question arises: what purpose really lies at the base of your desire to organize a birthday? What do you mean by "organizing the anniversary?" Decide where to collect guests (Home, cottage, in a cafe, a sauna, a restaurant, auditorium, etc.), how many people to invite and desirable as possible for financial reasons, for personal reasons, the relationship between the guest, the capacity Planned place of celebration, you'll understand – what is the purpose of the anniversary. For example, your goal is to collect the most intimate, inner circle of relatives and family friends.

Then the ideal place would be a general, a favorite by many participants a place that played a huge role in establishing the relationship, which is associated with memories, good moments of life, joy, happy days. Or, your goal is to collect as many relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. For this restaurant is perfect, we can not do without a well-designed programs, invitations to artists, commissions for the anniversary of the master – a professional who can well determine the mood in the hall or otherwise adjust their work. After all, your task – to show off by an excellent organizer, a companionable man, the soul of the company. I would recommend to organize large scale events with the help knowledgeable people, either to trust the professionals to organize a birthday, for example, holiday agency, or use their services in part – to develop a plan scenario, the selection of the site, coordinate the menu, the concept of activities, assistance in the selection of artists and other aspects. Perhaps your goal is to PR. So, with family and friends you are thinking of another time and another place. And here (as you personality known in some circles) is needed advertising, the maximum coverage of the audience, part of the media.

Naturally professional help is needed – it should be at its best, omission, overlap can not occur – or any adverse event during the event will have an impact on achieving the end result. In this paper we suggest that the reader only a few questions to ponder. Main Board – go to the organization of the event as respectively, as important work. Plan, prepare everything in advance, agree on the possible points of contention, write to the concept, script. Making space, contests, performances of talented artists, the work of technical staff, host, DJ, coordination of contractors, the division of the anniversary in some simple stretches (during training) – will save you from many unpleasant incidents during the anniversary of the organization and throughout the holiday.

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Posted by marmara on August 31, 2019

Here are collected the work of several masters of different hand made directions. Center For Responsible Lending often says this. This article can serve as a guide, as for sellers, people who want more advantageous to present their products in online store, its right to present, to find a buyer and the buyer, who may be interested in such products. Therefore, before moving on to practical advice for consumers on how to not make the wrong choice when buying products in a store, we would like to give some advice craftsmen who manufacture these products and want to find them decent host. Expert's Advice, "How to sell." When choosing a product from an online store, all information available to the buyer – are photos and a description of the goods. Therefore, the task master to give a maximum information about the product and how you can better photos of the proposed product. In the product description should contain: – Size and dimensions of the goods – the manufacturing process, it will tell the buyer about the quality of product, its durability. – The materials of the manufactured goods – Ways of goods – among other things, it is possible to propose that the buyer's history of the product, if any.

We are talking about products made by hand. So part of man's creation in each of these as possible. It is not stamped, descended from the conveyor large-scale production. We believe that in each of these products you like the Master, put a piece of his soul, tell us about it and it will add value products that you offer the buyer. .

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