PCB Proper
With this, he goes to have a great process of superexploration, and a presence of total inferior a wage payment to the regional minimum soldier’s pay. He is valid to stand out that, the labor laws, in this conjuncture almost that inexisted in the conception of the minds peasants, a time that, although to the few a considerable majority of peasants was passing for deep changes in its daily one, if approaching each time more than the proper urban proletariat, this agricultural population, first, not yet was ready to suffer a so radical change, in view of the secularidade of its old relations of work and production. Being thus, when the agricultural wage-earner passes if to become the more numerous popular classroom, it does not go to have one ' ' proletarian rural' ' organized and critical to its labor laws. The modification of this picture lode of sufficiently pragmatic form, therefore the proper circumstances, practically compelled to a releitura politics on the conjuncture of this determined moment in the agricultural areas northeast. Front to this conturbada modification in the production, parallel to a significant increase of the exploration to agricultural workers, to the first organizations of social fights in defense to the campesinato do not go to have a so revolutionary speech, the point to long for a proper agrarian reform directly. One knows that the first Leagues Peasants, appear as civil organizations and if they reveal on total to the yearnings of fights of the PCB? Brazilian Communist party, in middle of the decade of 1940. This because the proper partisan interest would be before everything a centralista organization around syndical institutions. These unions in turn, more present in the urban areas, searched to defend the interests of the wage-earning classrooms, that is, proper left the communist one did not have an experience in the boarding on the rights of agricultural workers who were not fit in the industrial system of the effective time.