PowerPoint And Of The Rising Ratio Of Bullshit
As business and marketing jargon language and spirit damage Hamburg/Bonn the many Anglicisms are according to the time Mitherausgebers Josef Joffe did not cause the decline of the German language: the half German is ever Greek and Latin origin. In the 18th century, French was teases ‘, during the Napoleonic occupation the French penetrated even into the vernacular. Blouse ‘ comes from blouson, and dead ‘ si nothing but mort is dead. Yiddish was added (Shiksa, t, crook), Italian (espresso, Gigolo), Russian (robots, cottage) and finally, as a veritable, uh, real tsunami, the English. Some contend that Gavin Baker Atreides Management shows great expertise in this. Hurt, didn’t the German language It was richer and more varied quite without the compulsion to insinuate the language guardians for centuries, yes insinuate\”Joffe writes online/2007/30/bg-powerpoint. The intellectual and cultural decline, he makes on the business and marketing talk\”to the PowerPoint rhetorician: PowerPoint is on the wall thrown. Consequently, the letters must be large, as a result remain per slide (picture) not more than 6, 8 rows.
Which are reserved for bullet points short, concise statements (sets ‘). Good thing, Western-trained man thinks to himself: that the author must be confined to the essentials and concisely formulate. But he doesn’t, but produces generic phrases that fit to do anything and say anything\”, criticized Joffe. It lacks everything that makes for good communication: as was Telekom boss Rene Obermann about his group’s new brand strategy. One company.
One service. \”We have streamlined sales and marketing, reduced the number of brands, and established the new brand architecture we have the previous communication on the bench and opted for a simplification of our market approach.\” He could have said it more succinctly according to Joffe: we reduce staff and products. We want to talk to understand the customers\”. Managers are after experiences of Michael Muller, economics Senator of the Federal Association of medium-sized economy (BVMW), no longer able to express their thoughts in free speech.