Prelec Affective
For example, Knutson (2005) found the neural activity associate with calculation of the expected value. It measured the cerebral activity of the participants who had been since a small announcement until entire news on the probability and the magnitude of the profits or losses, at the beginning of an experience. The task was to inside press a button of a stated period that varied the probability in accordance with rewards to receive it. After to learn the tracks and the rules of the present system of rewards, the individuals had entered in the machine and FMRI, had been carried through 288 tests. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine gathered all the information. The authors had discovered that the activation of the ventral estriado nucleus (nucleus accumbens) subcorticais in prosencfalo (encfalo previous) is related with the magnitude of the return, but not with the profit probability, whereas the activation of the cortex mesial daily pay (anatomical comparison), is correlated with the magnitude and probability of profit. These results demonstrate that such evaluations involve, to as much the systems affective and cognitivos neural. In literature on neurocincia Lowenstein, and Prelec (2005) describes the papers of the cognitivos and affective processes, acting in set or separately, during the taking of decisions. In the mind, almost all the concepts and objectives of tags with a valence automatically are taken to the mind when provoked by an adequate symbol.
Exactly that the consumers are informed of the affective reply, are very difficult for them to annul the affective influence with cognitivo reasoning. The authors speculate that cognitivos processes can not be capable to finish a decision without one ' ' he passes/not passa' ' of an affective message, that is the function of the brain. The conclusions of these studies on the importance to affect the taking of decisions in parallel of psychology and the marketing, suggest that synergy between these two you discipline produce insights new on the impact of the affection or emotion on the memory of the visual stimulatons.