Private Health Insurance

Posted by marmara on March 12, 2024

You have completed your studies or training. The health insurance is essential in today's world. In general, for each worker and an employee insurance if the income of the person concerned does not exceed a certain limit (currently 3937.50). Who earns more, can either decide to remain in the statutory insurance or take out private insurance. It presents itself the question as to what health insurance you will complete. A private health insurance (PHI) offers superior protection for higher income workers, civil servants and the self. More specifically, can be said workers private insurance, if your gross – monthly income (that is 3937.50) has exceeded the third consecutive year the compulsory limit. If self-employed, freelancers and artists' income plays no role to join a private health insurance.

Last officials and others eligible for the aid, such as judges, State Parliament – Member of Parliament and the opportunity to be able to privately insure. Basically, make private accounts a host of health and age of the prospective subject. Crucial also someone who has a private insurance, can only in a few exceptional cases, switch back to a statutory health insurance. There are different types of insurance. Depending on the extent of private insurance can be made between a full insurance (complete coverage of medical expenses), a partial insurance (this is to secure a share of medical expenses) and a supplemental (additional risks are hedged to the statutory health insurance choose). The include the supplementary health insurance as well as the sickness funds.

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