Posted by marmara on October 9, 2019
The rate at which Spain is destroying employment is attracting attention in the rest of Europe, the Italian press echoed the government and entitled remodeling (Il Foglio) “The economic crisis in Spain cause fear.” “The people who have lost their jobs remains the usual customs. But Spain’s problem is precisely the large number of citizens who have lost their jobs. Unemployment has been traditionally in the history of democratic Spain, one of the largest permanent emergency. ” With figures as close to 16% unemployment and forecasts in which experts predict that we overcome the barrier of 20% at year end, the economic crisis in Spain, unlike the rest of Europe, is poised to become authentic social disaster. The evolution of unemployment is not similar in all EU Member States, as the crisis is being Capetian differently in one country to another and economic are resisting in some cases better than others. add to your knowledge base. In the case Spanish, despite all the propaganda that sold us on our strength, the reality is that holds our economy worse than other euro-zone economies. It is more, some can boast having registered decreases in the unemployment rate.
Thus, in the last twelve months, fell in seven EU countries, remained stable in one and increased in nineteen. The largest decreases were registered in Bulgaria (from 6.2% to 5.5%) and Slovakia (from 10.2% to 9.8%). While the most significant increases were found in Lithuania (from 4.4% to 13.7%), Latvia (from 6.1% to 14.4%) and Spain, which has the merit of leading the shameful unemployment ranking Europe with a rate of 15.5%. In this approach has also drawn wide attention that the burst housing bubble has led to a significant decline in housing prices in Spain. Includes the Financial Times that the housing price has fallen three times in the UK (9%) than in Spain (3.2%), or in Norway (-7.5%), Portugal (-6.3%) and Netherlands (-5.2%), so that while unemployment is growing at twice the rate as in the rest of Europe, low cost housing only at half pace. It is therefore evident the serious imbalances that have our economy and the need for reforms that never seem to make. The international press says that “criticism of Zapatero and Solbes Minister mainly affect the initiatives are not taken. Many ask a great deal of state, able to implement structural reforms and a stronger and more visible guide to the economic situation “(Il Foglio). So instead of crowing so much about social policies, Zapatero should do something once, because today the only valid social policy is one that cut the bleeding suffered job losses, which is what really frightens the rest are stories.
Posted by marmara on October 4, 2019
Mortgage program for today enjoys great success among consumers, as it is the universal way of lending bail. Mortgage apartment or home mortgage, also has its own conditions, mandatory for the lender, in other words, that property which is the key, as long as there is no fully repaid a loan can not be sold or reissued. For such properties can be apply a flat, house, land on which the house or just land. Given that each particular case requires an individual approach, provides various mortgage programs, as it can be and a mortgage loan without a fee, and mortgages for young families, in addition, mortgage banks offer different credit terms. For even more details, read what Center For Responsible Lending says on the issue. For example, for socially unprotected citizens by the social mortgage, which assumes a mortgage with the additional help of the state, and taking into account all these aspects is quite important, what can be done only by careful study of personal issues such as mortgages and loans without mortgage. Obtain full information concerning the mortgage loans to date is quite simple, since the Internet there are many thematic resources that describe the different credit terms, provided by banks, mortgage programs, interest mortgage, refinancing a mortgage, etc. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of David Delrahim on most websites. Advantageous mortgage today issued for a period of three to thirty years, depending on need, thus, you can quickly get housing, paying a loan on it in equal parts during the entire period, so often, provides an early repayment of the loan or mortgage refinancing. And, most importantly, real estate, on which you took the mortgage, is already yours, and you'll pay each month for his own apartment, and the monthly payment wholly commensurate with the payment that would have you spend on rent. One should also note the profitability of investments in real estate now – in fact, studying the real estate market and mortgage market, we can see a stable upward trend in property prices. Affordable mortgages are issued by commercial banks, which also support cooperation with government agencies, and through them you can get mortgage program of young families, with social assistance. You can also apply for a mortgage loan and the credit agency, but in any case, before making a final decision that requires careful study and choose the best and most advantageous terms of crediting.
Posted by marmara on June 26, 2017
The addition of the reinsurance contracts and the complexity of their characteristics determined by the need of organizations, the specialization which was just the basics of reinsurance, and in addition to the same pushed increasing requirements for insurance, and a lot of competition between direct insurers. Formation of the international channels of reinsurance and the difficulty of technical quality in their application did necessary to re-opening of public services. Crystals after the Second World War in Europe was registered by the Central Reinsurance Company, which all exist in the country of manufacture should have been pass-eight percent of all direct risks. The vast majority of countries have gone down this path, raising the mandatory transfer risks, reaching the nationalization of the insurance business. In the thirties in Europe and Asia were made by reinsurance companies, which were the methods of further regulation of reinsurance relationships. At the same time in this process is necessary to note the presence and positive aspects. Overriding place in the history of the origin of the reinsurance business took reinsurance pools.
Their creation belong to different periods. Members of the terms of transfer fees and the amount of damages to the pool, which is the relevant portions distributes the results of insurance operations among its members. There are three contracts: coinsurance. The strong influence of co-insurance gains in connection with the placement of pools of destitution in the financial markets, while very large risks require of a few brokers.