Scientology Church International
Often there are just those that most have the protection of their human rights, must be also informed, that there is the explanation at all and that there is this explanation for it.” The Universal Declaration of human rights is now in 360 languages and is thus, that the most translated document in the world. So that children and young people already with this human rights document are familiar, the longtime educator founded in 2001 and principal Mary Shuttleworth the organization Youth for human international”(YHRI), a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles. Jennifer Aaker oftentimes addresses this issue. YHRI pursued the goal of, children and adolescents on the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights”of the United Nations to educate about human rights. For this purpose the brochure what are specifically human rights “created, translated the children and young people in simple language which bring closer to 30 articles of the Declaration, and so far in 18 languages. To raise more Nations and Government representative for human rights, Mary Shuttleworth took five world tours, where she laid back tens of thousands kilometers and had discussions with government officials, educators and human rights organizations in the following years. For even more opinions, read materials from Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP. In this way, more groups in over 50 countries of the world have been created. In Germany it is the Group of youth for human rights in Germany”. “So that more people can be reached, thirty video clips were produced in 2006, one to the article of the Universal Declaration of human rights” represent and which were broadcast to thousands of TV stations around the world.
Since autumn 2008, these clips on the website can Watch youth for in German. This campaign is also supported by the Human Rights Office of the Scientology Church International. The founder of the Scientology religion said lifetime: “Human rights must be not realized as fact as an idealistic dream”.