Southwest Education
Facinter. FALLS OF the IGUAU 2009 SUMMARY This work looks for and to analyze history and to reflect on the professor of Art in the Brazilian Education. Which the current work of these professors, its practical pedagogical, difficulties in relation to the education of Art in the public school? Which the knowledge beyond the languages in Art need to be dominated? As to understand the Education of Adult, Inclusive Education, Infantile Education, Education of the Field and Education of Adolescents and Young Young, beyond others sabres. In its formation many times unbalanced, as the professor can surpass the difficulties in its work, which the used ways to diminish this gap in its formation. Also in this study it has bibliographical references on the subject, that are analyzed, to get information of which is the profile of the professional who works Art in the schools of the Paran. With the results of the interviews, the following questions are boarded: the professor and its formation, as to involve the four artistic languages, which the difficulties found in the classrooms, which the criteria to select the contents of Art and as to make evaluation in Art. Concluding the work, we will have the profile of the Professor of Art in the contemporaneidade: a dynamic, informed and searching person, who knows the reality of the pupils and the school, uses practical pedagogical innovators objectifying education learning of the pupils. In the same work, some referring data to the amount of concursados professors meet who act in the Southwest of the Paran and which artistic modalities where temporary professors act how many (PSS) and how many professional it are of the area of Art act in the Basic Education of the Paran.