State Government
The pupil transportation regulation prescribes primarily the use of public transport carriers of the task”, explained Hammond. Basically it was absolutely right to take advantage of existing transport infrastructure, unfortunately that may be used in public transport entered standing in the vehicle registration papers”, as Hammond. The existing standing could be excluded from the carriers of the task by the school bus contract or restricted”, explained Hammond. This volunteer opportunity is rarely used by the carriers of task, therefore, the exclusion must be anchored by standing in the Bavarian pupil transportation regulation (SchBefV),”Hammond noted. Clear conditions should be created according to Hamutenya also in the financing. Student transportation is paid to approx. 60% by the State Government through municipal financial compensation, for the rest Municipalities and counties even come up”, explained Hammond.
Here the dog is buried, so Hammond.” The responsibility is moved further from top to bottom, are at the end of the local authorities and transport companies, which present budget out must come up with the”Hammond continues. The Government is responsible for the transport of pupils, therefore you should arise from the perspective of Hammond for the entire cost. Hammond sums up, only when we have a legal basis which excludes the related transportation of students and the assumption of costs is clearly regulated, something will change in our school buses.” Hammond calls, I will not apply to arguments which rely only on costs and organisational difficulties”. Hammond added, it also works in other countries, the United States are positive example here. Since everyone has a place to sit”, and the risk of an accident was four times lower than in Germany, according to ADAC Hammond said. Hammond calls, all parties must sit together at a table and find a solution, rather than to discuss the topic”. I will use still all my options so that the petition will succeed”, Hammond is assured.
If you would like to support the petition, can achieve this via the following Internet address: on the action page can discuss with others, download signature lists as PDF, added Hammond. Another way to support is that lay out the signature lists in local shops or pass it on to friends and relatives. If the lists are full need to only photographed or scanned and on Internet page with the “upload” function be submitted, that of easy, says Hammond. The petition is still up to the 18.02.2014 contact: Dominik of Hammond Tel. 08724-2079012 E-Mail: