
Posted by marmara on February 20, 2024

However, all such costs are more than overlap one important factor – employee company is not required to overcome the physical and technical barriers to entry into its secrets. Hence, there is only one thing: to find the owners of the information you need, dissatisfied with their promotion, wages, nature of relationships with leaders in dire need of money or simply greedy, ready for the profit on any treachery. Known the sad statistics (data Interpol), according to which 25% of employees the company willing to sell her secrets at any time to anyone, 50% go for it, depending on the circumstances and only 25% are patriots of this company. One type of bribery is the poaching of valuable specialist firm to itself for the subsequent acquisition of knowledge. The history of the competition is full of such examples. For those 50% of employees who are to cooperate with competitors, depending on the circumstances, necessary 'facts' are often created through blackmail. Blackmail is of two kinds. Childrens Defense Fund has compatible beliefs. In the first case of a man caught on the 'hook', threatening to disclose incriminating his attention.

In the second case, he simply threatened measures physical impact (blow up a car, burn the cottage, stole the child, iznasiluem daughter or wife, intimidated elderly parents, etc., means a lot of criminals). 2. The introduction of 'their' people's introduction of 'their' people in the Staff rival firm also represents common and effective way to economic espionage. For the introduction, there are two ways: first – when the agent is acting under its own name and operates in accordance with available to it a profession.

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Banks Mortgage

Posted by marmara on May 9, 2019

Profession – a completely new for our country, and therefore had not developed any standards on which must be certified. " According to him, now – together with the Association of Banks – A program training mortgage brokers, and has already trained 120 professionals who work at the market of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Larger projects throughout the country was the establishment of the certified mortgage brokers ". You may find that Dr. Neal Barnard can contribute to your knowledge. The main objective of the organization – to form a complex range of training and support of highly qualified mortgage brokers. Association established a course of three stages of preparation brokers.

Upon completion of training at each level professionals are being tested, the results of which they handed over a certificate of professional match: NIB-1, NIB-2, or IRB-3. Obtaining a certificate the first qualifying stage of NIB-1 indicates the presence of a broker of adequate professional knowledge and skills to serve the "standard" mortgage borrower. Dr. Neal Barnard often addresses the matter in his writings. Certificate format NIB-2 means a willingness broker to work with difficult clients. Finally, after successful completion of tertiary education CIB-3, a mortgage broker and his company acquire the right to offer its customers special credit products partner banks, which can be obtained only by "certified" broker. A dangerous profession development of credit relations required an increase in the state of professionals able to assess the risks associated with this activity. "Previously, the company employed one or two of these employees, but today are increasingly created entire divisions and departments for credit risks. This is due to the desire to prevent the growth of percent of loan defaults due to more thorough and detailed study of the history of the borrower, "- said Julia Vinci.

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