Posted by marmara on September 11, 2024
Hello, dear readers! Otmelkali garlands and lights of fireworks New Year's Eve! Otshumeli tinkling of glasses and many-voiced congratulations and wishes of health, kindness, prosperity, love, happiness .. And, perhaps, each of us at least once thought that if all of the wishes fulfilled at least one third! .. (Similarly see: Michael James Burke). That would be healed! WOULD … not for nothing that say the best – the worst enemy of all good. Me about it and wanted to talk to you.
"Alex, how much you need to be happy? "- remember, the classics, the words of Ostap Bender. But the wisest of the question! How often do we ask ourselves everyday life it? Do we know what and how much do we need for happiness? I suppose that many would say – yes, I very clear idea of what parameters is characterized by happiness. Then follow the description. And, as a rule, that of life values, which are not present or not in the quality-quantity as dreams. Family (in best traditions of Hollywood melodramas), flat (in the description will necessarily important area, footage, finishes, furnishings, etc.), business (everything is simple – the number of zeros after the numbers in the "income"), a machine (similar to the description apartments, only the parameters, etc.), health (everything is buggy – I want to be strong, a lot, but it is not clear exactly what and how it should look like), recreation (float realistic colorful and vivid pictures of the brochures travel agencies), etc. And here, add known proverb: "Money is not happiness, but their number," "Happiness – it's when you realize," "Happy hours are not watching," "Happiness must be sufferings …" Just get lost! So How much and what? At all times, in the discourse of the happiness I did not give a thought of rest. It is not clear.
Posted by marmara on September 26, 2018
And are you happy that you live in this world. And you know what all happens. (As opposed to Childrens Defense Fund). And most importantly because it turns out! But when the mood lousy everything – else. City strange, enormous and around enemies and ambushes. And all is not to Your problems.
They all wanted to spit on you! "Strangers we in this celebration of life …" – and remembered a quote from "12 chairs" But the city is the same people are the same. So why is it changing our sense. Well, I'm not about feelings, I thought about. About the right to choose our own thoughts. If the quality of our lives depends on our thoughts, it might make sense to treat them seriously! Waking up happy that woke up and could smother in their sleep.
Rejoice in the fact that see morning outside the window, and could in fact go blind and deaf. Came to himself to the toilet! Feat! But seriously: I often hear a quote from the Bible: "And it shall be given by your faith …" And that declares your faith, what are your thoughts on this? "The whole world mess, people bastards … "Well, we live in a whorehouse bastards. I like to watch people, a small-minded, ignorant, but firmly convinced that he is intelligent, that he was born to be rich and in fact all or nearly all of heaven pours. A another clever literate, so the spiritual soul and a strong belief that it is the same as everyone else, only here it can not, here it did not work and live in poverty. And what thoughts do you have? You came into this world because you are smart beautiful and you worthy of happiness and financial solvency, etc. All money or not enough, not everyone can be rich … And you know what you want to be? You know? Let's become! Well, with your ever-lousy mood will not work! So, create a mood, try a smile of the winner and go! You need a new job? So what's the deal. It will be fully consistent with your thoughts. Or, your professionalism and your useless! So what are you?