Posted by marmara on May 16, 2022
An exception may be cooperatives that unite shareholders by profession (doctors, drivers, etc.). If the cooperative is not registered in the city where he works and has a network of branches, it should cheerleaders. Pay attention to the reception of savings. A signal of danger should be the promise of very high interest rates. And also – to invest the funds of shareholders in the lucrative high-yield projects and financial instruments. Pay attention to another important criterion: Is this the Republican co-operative union? If not, then chances are that your organization is working without proper monitoring and auditing, according to standards providing 6adezhnost and stability of the cooperative. Any clear that the union many times stronger and more reliable than a single co-operative: there is safety in numbers. Speaking candidly BSA told us the story. Rock Solid union of cooperatives has proved the current financial crisis.
Please note provides a co-operative loans to its members. Federal laws “On Credit Cooperation” and “About agricultural cooperation” require compliance with financial standards of credit cooperatives. In particular, they indicate that at least half of the Fund financial mutual aid should be directed to the main activities of the cooperative – to make loans, with cash balances of the fund Mutual Financial, according to these two laws should be directed to deposit with banks, state and municipal securities. Dubious organizations usually do not. Pay attention to advertising.
Typically, co-op attracts new shareholders by creating a positive image and reputation of a reliable organization. As soon as the aggressive advertising, the principle of ‘Bring the two – and gain an advantage’, immediately there is a danger of the pyramid. Pay attention to the management of the organization. In the credit cooperative shall be elected governments – governance, audit commission. If the annual meeting shall be held no elected government, and its members can not influence decisions, it is better to bypass his side. In general, the activities of credit cooperatives is strictly limited by law because of its special legal, non-commercial activities: they must be defined by the charter, are regulated by internal regulations. Co-op focuses on reliability and availability of their services, and he has these services only shareholders. This increase in profitability is due to the cooperative development of its core business – the revenues from the issuance of money to them as shareholders in loans. Cooperatives – the so-called passive investors. In contrast, financial Pyramids are focused not on the availability and reliability, and the high profitability, which is inevitably connected with a high risk. If they invest, the active and risky, but most of the growth of their revenue comes not from work, but due to increasing the number of shareholders (ie the founding fathers, in fact, parasitic on the contributions of participants follow the pyramid). Of course, the ordinary investor is difficult to understand the reliability of financial institution. Individual savings – this is a very important question. You can not trust your money to anybody. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the leadership of the National Union credit consumer cooperatives of citizens. You will be given a clear and complete answer.
Posted by marmara on December 28, 2021
Title Insurance – insurance property losses as a result of termination of the right of ownership to it. It provides protection in case of property acquired property will be demanded by the owner for various reasons: the conclusion of a contract of sale in violation of the law, the preservation of the rights to property after his exclusion from a third party, lack of capacity or capacity of the seller, etc. Charter Communications gathered all the information. Simply put, this property is not insurance at a possible case in the future, and prevention of accidents of various contingencies that might already be the case when signing a contract of sale of housing or even earlier. Determinants in choosing an insurance company would be several criteria: the stability of an insurance structure that corresponds to the material base and experience in the market; wide range of insurance products, individual approach to every customer, guarantees protection of clients' rights (the legal support of the conclusion of insurance contracts and the settlement of insurance claims for payment of insurance recoveries). You should know that the transaction may be invalidated if it was concluded: at the suit of one of the owners of property in common ownership by reason of absence from the person who sold the property, appropriate authority from the other owners, by an unauthorized person or entity in excess of its existing powers, incapable citizen, recognized as such because of mental disorder; citizen limited capacity due to a court in the abuse of alcohol or drugs, under the influence of delusion, under the influence of fraud, violence, threats, malicious agreement Representative On the one hand with the other party or exceptional circumstances, a minor under 14 years old or minors under the age of 14 to 18 years without the consent of his parents, adoptive parents or guardian, a vindication Insured (bona fide purchaser) for value acquired their property by the owner of the property if it had left the possession of the last person to whom it is transferred to the owner in possession, in addition to their Will (lost, stolen, etc.), a national, not able to understand the significance of his actions or control them at the time of the transaction (jar or other disease, physical trauma, etc.). There are other reasons that the transaction be void: non-compliance form of the agreement, failure to comply with the simple written form, failure to comply with the mandatory notarial form, the invalidity of the agreement, which does not meet the requirements of Law, the invalidity of an agreement concluded as a result of errors, and imaginary invalid sham transaction; invalidity of the agreement entered into by fraud, violence, threats, and intentional agreement with the representative of one party by another party or a confluence of grave circumstances, for other reasons. In the event that the contract of sale is not valid, the seller must return the money to the buyer.
And if salesman, has spent the money and can not return them. What do I do then? There is always a way out of difficult situations, especially if you take care of in advance – it may be insurance. If the buyer has insured loses apartment, the insurance company pays the market value of his apartment. A showdown with the seller is an insurance company. Getting document of ownership, buyers of apartments can, if desired simultaneously receive and the insurance policy under which it will act as the acquirer gains. Policyholder advocate the same insurance company in Volgograd, and their partner real estate company "Kvadrametr" specializing in real estate.
Posted by marmara on November 2, 2019
Sberbank of Russia – is the largest bank of Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States with the widest network of branches offering a full range of lending operations. 57% of the shares of this bank is under manipulated by the Russian Central Bank. Over 50% Russian market of individual deposits, as well as every other legal and retail credit in the Russian Federation accounted for Sberbank. History of the most significant bank of Russia begins with the name of the decree of Tsar Nicholas I of 1841 on the establishment of savings banks, the first of which opened its doors in St. Petersburg next year.
After 150 years, and on the basis of the Savings Bank of the Soviet Union created a single bank, which became known Sberbank of the USSR. He served the citizens of USSR and legal persons. Boy Scouts of America: the source for more info. The composition of the Savings Bank of the USSR included 15 national branches of the Bank in this account, and the Russian Republic Bank. In mid-summer 1990. act of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR Russian republican Sberbank of the USSR transferred to the ownership of the RSFSR. In late 1990, the bank reorganized into joint-stock commercial bank, issued by law at a meeting of all shareholders of the bank on March 22 1991. In the same year he was transferred to Sberbank property of the Russian Central Bank and registered under the name "Joint-Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation." In autumn 2010, the bank name was changed to the Joint Stock Company "Savings Bank Russia ".
To date, Sberbank of Russia – is a universal bank, providing a whole range of banking and financial services. Bank's share in retail deposits as of June 2009 was 50%. The credit portfolio amounted to more than 30% of all loans issued in the country. Brand Bank, according to early 2010 (according to financial magazine The Banker and finansvoy Bureau estimates Brand Finance) takes 15 place in the overall ranking of the most significant and expensive banking brands. The cost is estimated at about $ 12 billion. Central administrative apparatus of the Savings Bank of Russia is in Russia's capital Moscow.
Posted by marmara on June 13, 2019
Practical tips will leave after article fairness and justice activities of the bank or collection agency to knockout debt. Far more important than the consequences of empty arguments unpaid loan. Tainted credit history and a high probability of failure of a loan in the future – only the florets. Recently adopted amendments to allow the bailiffs not to release the debtor from the Russian Federation. Center For Responsible Lending addresses the importance of the matter here. Federal service of bailiffs intends to consolidate the law and other limitations. By the very worst debtors will apply the following sanctions: Deprivation of a driver's license, copying resources from the mobile phone account, the removal of property from third parties, for which the debtor could rewrite their property, knowing that he faces a meeting with the bailiff.
If the debtor can not repay its debt due to the fact that he was in severe financial situation, he should immediately notify the bank or collector. Hide from the lender is not beneficial to the borrower himself as a bank within a month of delay on a very common conditions of the loan agreement the right to appear early reclaim the loan. That is, the bank may require to repay the full amount of the debt immediately. If the loan repayment for the bank, he will schedule individual payments, grant an extension. In special cases we can talk about withdrawing from the debtor of the penalties and interest.
But even in court the debtor may claim from the creditor a settlement on terms acceptable to its terms, referring to the difficult circumstances of life. Sales of existing collateral and can be output from difficult situation. Sale of the property with the consent of the bank can engage himself borrower. If he can sell the collateral benefit, the heavy losses upon the dissolution of a credit agreement he did not suffer. Indeed, in this case, all previously paid on the loan money will come back to it almost in its entirety (except for lending rates). Approval of the bank in the transaction of sale is only necessary to deposit will not be sold at a lower price. Another way to solve the problem – refinancing with another bank on more favorable terms. In other words, pay off old loans through new, issued at lower interest rates. This procedure is called a refinance loan. However, all these tips are suited to borrowers that banks are fair game. But it happens and so that lenders intentionally bring it up to the critical point, trying to increase the amount of debt and not really explaining its borrower than he could face further delays in payments. As a result, the debt is not really lift, and looming trial with an adverse outcome – confiscation of property. In this the mono address antikollektoru. Antikollektory – it's lawyers, whose specialty is to protect the interests of borrowers to the bank or collection agency. They help borrowers to minimize the penalties for delinquent loans, to reduce the bank's claim against the debtor. For example, antikollektory can take advantage of Article 333 of the Civil Code – A decrease of the penalty. " Antikollektory and help win a court-friendly borrower outcome of the case. Many of us have black stripes occur in life, and the unpaid loan may be in addition to aggravating existing problems. It is better not to bring the case to court on time to pay off all debts and continue to responsibly as a familiarization with the terms of the loan agreement, and to their own financial obligations.
Posted by marmara on February 8, 2019
First of all, you need to know whether the construction company takes a percentage of an agency under the contract. This will save up to 6% of the purchase price. For more information see this site: Nieman Foundation. Buying an apartment directly from the builder usually does not need to pay for support activities, as well as paperwork on the deal. Leading construction companies are working without mediators. Do not believe it when they say that all companies are taking interest. This is not true.
The question is, is ready to pay Construction Company for the content of sales, or prefer to keep their employees on a percentage of transactions. Perhaps this same percentage as it is already included in price indirectly, for example, but not succumb to psychological methods, such as 9999 rubles. or pruning once the options that seem obviously more expensive. 2. Clarify whether the cost of an apartment in the area of balconies and loggias, whether it is necessary to pay for them additionally.
According to current legislation in March 2005 the area of balconies and loggias should not be included in the area of the apartment. Often (90%) construction companies are offering to pay for under a separate contract, arguing that anyway, the building required for manufacturing costs of loggias and balconies, but when registering the ownership of this area in the apartment price is not included. You tell stories that are balconies with a coefficient of 0.3, and balconies and terraces with a coefficient of 0.5. Yes, it was not until March 2005, taking into account the area of balconies and loggias in the general area of the apartment in the old housing code.