Posted by marmara on February 18, 2022
Based in this it has if created throughout the times mechanisms that try to make with that this lack of band or pass through available if it becomes minor or at least making with that the services that pass through in the nets they are you deliver in fast and efficient way, that is exactly what it makes a mechanism of QoS. as the TCP/IP had this lack has been used mechanisms integrated with differentiated services as the RSVP that is a developed architecture to provide guarantees with QoS in nets IP for individual sessions of applications multimedia by means of integrated flows or services as the IntServ. A related site: Nancy Lublin mentions similar findings. The RSVP, also known as protocol of reserve of resources, looks for to cure the lack of QoS in the IP has since the Internet was not conceived with intentions of quality of service the RSVP is to a solution in this direction, such that its benefits they are highly excellent in applications multicast being able also to be used in applications unicast, allowing that the stations of the net reserve resources by means of the roteadores of the same one. He is implicit that if the net service will be perfect, facilitates the work of the transport layer, but in case that I oppose the transport layer will have that to serve of bridge to cover in the distance between what the transport users desire and what the net layer offers. Basically all the machines in the net capable to send given QoS send a message of PATH to each 30 seconds, that will be spread out to all the net, those that they desire to accept send it a RESV message (diminutive of It reserves) that it will go to serve to decide the way in return for the sender and this message RESV will go to also include the flow specifications.
Posted by marmara on February 24, 2019
To introduce maranhense Literature in the schools of Average Education of the Maranho means to offer to the pupils the chance to know aspects of history, culture, politics, economy, language, religiosidade at last the peculiarities of the people of the Maranho portraied in the workmanships in accordance with the time where they had been written and the holistic vision of the author. It still means to take educating to have contact with the past, the memory, and with the gift express in the poetries, in stories, teatrais romances, chronicles, assays, parts and other texts produced so well by the most diverse authors of the most different times between which: Alusio Azevedo, Arthur Azevedo, Gonalves Days, Joo of the Valley, Tribuzi Flag, Joshua Montelo, Jose Chagas, Gullar Blacksmith, Jose Sarney, Odylo Coast Son, Maranho Nephew, Lisbon Joo, Sotero Dos Reis, Sousndrade, Gentile Braga, Firmina Maria Dos Reis, Conceio Aboud, Lenita Star of S, Favour Spider, Humberto Fields, Raymond Leather strap, Mohana Joo and as much others that form the maranhense Pleiad that with art and ingenuity had portraied and portray today until the singularidades of lands and the maranhense people. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Boy Scouts of America and gain more knowledge.. This sketch of project the pupil corroborates so that the pupil is stimulated to read, however leaving of the principle that the world of the letters not gravita only around the media printed, but spreads as an unexpected agility in the virtual media, the same will be developed from the use of the laboratory of computer science of the school. It is a work that presents as main vehicle of reading the spaces in net, where circulates everything that if can imagine in substance of literary compositions storaged and classified by authors, sorts, subjects.. BSA is actively involved in the matter.
Posted by marmara on October 3, 2012
The majority of the people when she was small already plays of game of the memory. This simple and amused trick gained diverse versions for Internet, therefore today already on-line exists the memory game. Following the trend that the children also do not leave the front of the computers, the games that before were played on of the table with the friends, can be played in solitary way through the Internet. One of the games most classic was composed for some parts that represent definitive figures in one of its sides. The figures are repeated in plus a part and all they are turned upside-down. Each player, in its time, must choose two parts and capsize, in order to find the two equal ones. If the player not to find the parts, must capsize upside-down and again leave the other to play.
The game finishes when the parts to finish, and wins that one that to obtain to find more pairs. In the memory game on-line functions in the same way. In case that you want to kill the homesicknesses of its infancy and to look for these games, it is possible to play of total gratuitous form in some sites. The memory games gratis can be found in diverse sites of games on-line and load very fast, not needing nor to make register in cadastre in the pages to use the service. The majority of the people, later whom it grows and it acquires responsibilities and commitments that not possua before, forgets the diversion and them games that played when were lesser. To grow is inevitable, but it is possible to make this without leaving of being ' ' criana' '. These simple tricks can make you to forget themselves estresse it, of the concerns of the work and the life of general form.
If you possess children, nephews or any child in house, does not leave to present these games simple and amused they. Currently, the children already are born knowing to bind and disconnect the computer and to enter in the Internet. But, most of the time, they do not know games of rocks as Domins, or letters, as the Mico celebrity. Great part of the children, nowadays, prefers to be playing in computer or in the video-game instead of playing ball with the neighbors, floor of stand of rolim (some nor know what it is this), to play of bicycle, to run in the gram. It presents for them its infancy and shows as you if it amused with these simple tricks. It has taken the children right now for it are of house, and use to advantage the day to be had fun to the outdoors. In case that it is raining or already either night, it uses to advantage to play with the games. If the child will be internauta, it presents them classic games of letters, or parts, as the game of the memory. Probably it will go to like very and will ask for to always play. This will stimulate its memory and reasoning, helping in the activities, also in the pertaining to school works.
Posted by marmara on May 19, 2012
For this, an efficient model of communication will be that one where the negative influences are blocked and the positive influences, feedback and active listening used to increase the understanding of the message. The figure below represents better what it was said in the paragraph above. Efficient model of communication: source Is certain that this model alone functions in the theory, therefore, in the practical one is impossible to isolate all the negative influences, some positive nor always can be used at the certain moment, exists people who do not know or nor always they are used of the process of return of a message or feedback and they do not practise active listening. The sender must detect all these influences and if always use of the return of the message to get guarantees from that the message is received clearly by its receivers. It is very important to establish the priorities in the hour to develop its process, working all the sources of the communication as, the internal communication that is developed for its employees and is related to the culture of the organization, the institucional communication that one where you work with the market, that is, as stakeholders you that one established with the market with intention of vender its product or service enxergam the marketing communication and finally the integrated communication that is that one where if it works all the previous ones in order to search cooperation and effectiveness. CONCLUSO As it can be observed during this study, the communication is a basic item in a society and much more in an environment of projects, during this study we observe that in made research, we could discover that a project manager dedicates 90% of its time if communicating, guaranteeing as soon as this communication reaches its objectives.
The importance of the communication in an environment of projects can suffer all influences positive and refusals during the process, the manager of projects as well as all the involved ones must have a clarification on this importance, thus improving the process of communication of the project. In the process of communication beyond worrying in them about the management of the communications described for the PMI, also we must take in consideration the interpersonal behavior, therefore the communication enters the involved people in a project during all its execution has a great importance for the success or failure of the same. A model of efficient communication was demonstrated in this study, that unhappyly only functions in the theory, to put traces a line that must be followed during the process of communication for all the involved ones, serving as alert to what it can come to confuse the agreement of the message, with everything practical as feedback and active listening they need to be adopted to reach the efficient communication. Therefore this study it more shows some described stages in a simplified language, where so that if it gets an efficient communication in an environment of projects, where topical pparently simple it has a great importance for the success of the project.