International Organization

Posted by marmara on November 4, 2011

Probably I should clarify that this international organization? Under the definition of 'international organization' should be understood as follows. In short, the international organization – a community that is formed thanks to the agreement, which entered the citizens of several countries. There are an intergovernmental nature – this is the case when international agreements are made at government level. There are many non-state organizations. These communities connect people from different countries on the basis of scientific activities of various kinds, the most incredible enthusiasm for the economic platform and the like. Upon the expiration of a period of formation of new international organizations to cease to exist the old. However, there are associations that have been working a long period of time, and that significantly affect many important events on Earth.

Large role in the life of the vast majority of countries in the world are the OPEC, Interpol, EU, WTO, Greenpeace, NATO, UN and various other similar organizations. Know all the international organizations, leading his activity at this time to all corners of the globe, there is no need. For the overall development is enough information about the most influential international communities. With the advent of the Internet to look for the right information was very easy – just write the query in the search bar. But, generally, shows quite a lot of answers – have to iterate through sites in search of relevant information. In the popular Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia (ru. you can get much information in the most unexpected subjects. But many sections Wikipedia contain inaccurate information, at least at the opening of the section receive the same warning.

Enough in good faith from time to time updated information is available here on this website ( Information about the international community on this site is selected a whole section. This site it is possible to use on an ongoing basis educational purposes. All the while there are also new resources and portals – progress is not in place, particularly noticeable on the Internet.

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