The Constitution
And article 17.1 of the International Covenant on Civil and political rights: () no one shall be subjected from arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation. Policies constitutions of the countries of our region we find this right with somewhat varied nominations but with the same content, well, the previous Bolivian Constitution, compared the House with an inviolable asylum, expressly specifying their exceptions; the Chilean Constitution deals with the topic as inviolability of home, sending its exception to the legal rules. Colombian and Ecuadorian constitutions do address the issue as a protection of the home and its inviolability. The Constitution of Venezuela is perhaps the most accurate in terms of the protection of this right implies, in its article 47 accurate domestic household, the home, and all person’s private premises are inviolable. Not may be raided, but by a court order, to prevent the perpetration of a crime or to comply with decisions that dictate the courts, in accordance with the law while respecting the dignity of the human being. The inviolability of the home (called home, House) is a constitutional right which finds its basis in the private life of persons, which is not limited only to the protection of property, but also, and above all, the need to protect private and intimate life of those who live in such address. And not only protects against physical violations but also, and in this its accuracy against any type of interference on the sphere of private life developed in the physical space that comprises the domicile. Contact information is here: BSA. Original author and source of the article..