The Creative Man De Mitos
The ecological movements today propose new myths to us, therefore the GAIA hypothesis, (Greek Earth goddess, the one of wide sine, eternal and unshakeable support of all the things, according to Hesiod), is a good reason to see the Earth not like a machine according to the present model, but like a living organism, car-regulated that there is to take care of. The mythical resource allows the knowledge us of as much normal the human being, as pathological, it has served as support to psychiatry and the psychoanalysis; without its contribution, Freud it would not have unravelled the famous Oedipus Complex. Against the impoverished rationalism, and the opaque life of the consumer and technocratic society, the myths abren to an ample field of knowledge on the man and the universe to us. The humans we are creative of mitopoiticos myths, beings, (of the Greek poiesis, creation), and mythologies reveal the identity to us of the human soul.
Indeed, except for the difference of names, the fabulous personages are identical, moved by the same passions and the same instincts, invested with similar attributes, even though race and atmosphere circumstances print variety to their appearances . (Joseph Campbell). Utnapishtin and Noah, the Osiris and Quetzacoatl, Hermes and Mercurio, the Greek Zeus and the American Manit, the Scandinavian Walhalla or the Greek Mount Olympus, are some of their more remarkable examples; to sum up, one is not to believe literally in them, but to give a existential interpretation them.