Training Period
Curricular period of training IV (surrounding not pertaining to school) was carried through in the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo, of twenty and four of October of 2011 twenty and five of November of 2011. The work is composed for six parts: characterization of the reality of the institution; project of social responsibility/surrounding not pertaining to school; analysis of the practical one of period of training; final consideraes; references and annexes. The white public of the project had been children between two and five years of age taken care of by the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo located in the city of Goianazes-Mg, district of Capetinga-Mg. The objective of the project was assistant in the process of alfabetizao of the children taken care of in the day-care center of the foundation. Good reading, expensive reader.