Trekking is a sport that has a competition between two or more people, that is practised generally in tracks and mountains, also being able to be carried through in urban environments. The duration of the tests can vary, therefore some minutes can last and to have some kilometers as well as they can last the entire day and have some kilometers to cover. The objective of each team is if to keep all in the speed adjusted during the passage, therefore trekking also is known as enduro to the foot. The teams will discover the way through a navigation spread sheet, that indicates the speed and distance of each stretch, say which to it are the control points that assist so that not if skirt of the track. By the same author: PCRM. The Winner is an used equipment to help in the calculations of time, therefore the difficulty of if keeping in the ideal speed occur for some factors. The main one of them is the precision in the calculation of covered distance, because to have the certain speed she is necessary to cover at the correct time in the distance indicated. So that all in agreement skirt the planned one, is necessary to have a marker of steps with high precision.
In the way it course, appears other difficulties that can modify the speed, as rivers, mounts, holes, bushes, lamaais, rain, sun, slippery rocks, untied rocks, bridges, etc. One of the regions where this sport is in high is in the Chapada Diamantina, that is in the state of the Bahia. The place is a region of mountain ranges, where the rivers of the basins of the Paraguau, the Jacupe and the River of Accounts are born almost all. It possesss a national park that is managed by the Institute Chico Mendes de Conservao of Biodiversity (ICMBio). The vegetation is exuberant, formed for species of caatinga, Atlantic Bush and of the serrana flora. The region it is considered most cold of the northeast region, arriving 5. C in the winter. The Chapada Diamantina reserves many attractions, and between them it is to make trekking in old tracks that the goldwashers used. For who it appreciates the sport, beyond being a good place to practise it, still it is possible to make it in the way of a place of rich and very flaring nature.