United Nations
Therefore the Sea and the Oceans are important ways of communication and ways of linking between countries, regions continent, contributing enormously for the globalization them markets and of the economy, the information and the world-wide security, being for these reasons a subject that transversally interests all the State-members. The Strategy of the CPLP for the Oceans is based on the national politics of the State-members and seats in a common vision of union and allotment, having in account the diversity of existing realities between the different State-members, not only to the economic and social level, but also to geographic level. This common vision will be able to constitute an ample chance for an international cooperation in essential domnios for the sustainable development of on activities to the sea, since the countries of the Community if distribute for some oceans in different quadrants of the globe. In the elaboration of a strategy of the oceans the treatment transversal and integrated of the diverse subjects is basic and activities, and in accordance with the imperative of the interdependence between sectors. The Strategy of the CPLP for the Oceans is based on them pillars of the beginning of the sustainable development: ambient, social and economic and correcta looks for to give to orientaes for one management of the marine resources. Vectors of cooperation for a strategy of the Seas of the Lusofonia the subjects related with the sea, in its more diverse forms and expressions (econmica, commercial, cultural, diplomatics, security, etc.) constitute a strategical domain for guarantee of a development supported of each one of State-members, as well as of the proper CPLP. For its geoestratgicas characteristics, especially for the latitude of its spaces of maritime sovereignty, the countries of the organization form a privileged net of sustainable development seat in its Seas and Oceans. About the picture of the Community we think that objectivos generalities for a Strategy of the Seas of the Lusofonia can be considered, the following ones: To promote in the seio of the state-members the principles established in the Convention of United Nations on the Right of the Sea; To contribute for a good management of the resources and the sustainable development of the oceans (prohibited, surrounding, scientific and technological, social and econmica inquiry); To sponsor the creation of sea areas protected and jurisdiction in the State-members of the Community; To promote measures of understanding and adaptation to the change of the climate in the coastal regions; To contribute for the reinforcement of a net of human resources enabled to develop one politics of oceans integrated and To promote measured of economic exploitation of the marine resources, including partnerships multi-sectoriais. .