Visitors Quality
Therefore, when drawing up job descriptions need to remember that all activities aimed at improving the service should be clear and simple. In As an example, the positive experience of introducing new standards of quality customer service, specialized registrar of “Registry”. This company provides services for joint stock companies to maintain and storage registers of registered securities. The number of open personal accounts – more than a million, the daily number of clients front office in the central administrative building of “Registry” tens of Visitors arriving with different instruments and different questions. First line of customer interaction is a security post in the operating room: how the theater begins with a hanger, so any store, bank or car wash starts communicating with the guard, which is formed from the initial impression of the entire organization.
Therefore, company management decided to start implementing the quality standards it is from this unit. Was introduced just 3 simple rules, mandatory for security staff. 1.Initiative greeting, when the guard is not waiting for the questions “where do I go?” Or “I have come to the right place?” Hello first and helps the visitor immediately understand what to do and to which specialist to contact. 2.Frannie should use the expression “pass please” and depending on the situation or to show which way to go, or offer to sit down and wait specialist. Psychologists have always emphasized that this can not point a finger or a nod. Pointing gesture to make the whole hand, fingers, hands should be pressed together and palm facing upward. 3.Pri customer care, it must be the first to say “Goodbye”. This is the minimal set of simple rules are not difficult to perform and that will help visitors to quickly adapt to a new location.