April EasyShare
The lost voices Foundation is winner of the pimp my booth action April EasyShare display GmbH from Hanover, since 2003 leading provider of mobile presentation and advertising technologies, social engagement as a necessary social responsibility of every company looks at. To meet this social responsibility, the EasyShare display GmbH started a contest. “The winning game Pimp my booth”, the more social awareness campaigns, is now very popular. Action Pimp my booth”would the EasyShare display GmbH to a non-profit organizations provide a platform, even forward to and to represent. On the other hand the EasyShare display GmbH would like to assist actively the good purposes of individual, non-profit organizations.
For this purpose, the EasyShare display GmbH is giving away a complete, mobile promotion booth or booth unit, which consists of multiple mobile presentation systems, such as advertising banner, brochure racks, etc.. The printing costs for the advertising of the exhibition stand graphics are from the EasyShare display GmbH sponsored. The lost voices Foundation will benefit from this social commitment. The Foundation is committed to people, the neuro-immunological disease suffering from Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). An estimated 300 000 people in Germany and 17 million people worldwide are affected by this disease.
Since the clinical picture of ME in Germany is so far little known, lacking an attached medical and social care for this seriously ill people. Request a research about the origin, treatment and cure of this disease is also Foundation aim and purpose of the Foundation is the improvement and extension of the care, treatment, and rehabilitation of affected people and representing their Interessen.Die proper information of the general public about this disease. A special concern of lost voices Foundation is the particularly serious situation of ill children, to improve youth and young adults to support their parents and as far as possible up to the schooling and education receive. The lost voices Foundation is currently in the start-up phase. After you create the required documentation, designed the application for approval of the establishment of the Foundation to the competent Foundation Authority in the next few weeks. The lost voices Foundation is expected to be after founding a nonprofit legal foundation of civil law with headquarters in Hanover.