Bureaucratic Barriers
Bureaucratic barriers for citizens: an analysis of problems and methods of decision analysis as an example of traffic police. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Academy of Security Defense and Law Enforcement Center for Strategic Research: Scientific – Practical report, "The bureaucratic barriers for citizens: the problem analysis and solution methods." Analysis of the situation on the example of traffic police of the Russian Federation., Shulipa Yuri. Adviser to the President of the Academy of Security of Defense and the rule of law. Moscow – 2007 Abbreviations AIRS – Automated Information Retrieval System AP – An administrative offense Database – Database of Road Safety – Traffic Safety BP – Temporary traffic police permission – State Inspection of road safety accident – Traffic accident DPS – Road Patrol Service of the Administrative Code – the Code of Administrative Offences checkpoint – checkpoint MIA – Ministry Interior MOE – Ministry of Emergency Situations of the SDA – Traffic regulations of the Russian Federation – Russian Federation Federal Law – Federal Law Vehicle – Vehicle Report of the Presidential Adviser of the Academy of Security Defense and Law of the Russian Federation, JJ Shulipa at the seminar "The bureaucratic barriers for citizens: the problem analysis and solution methods," November 2, 2007. Dear participants! Today, we are discuss the situation and experience of the problems of coping with and eliminating bureaucratic barriers for citizens to review the situation on the examples of the Federal Migration Service and the Interior Ministry's traffic police, to examine the problematic issues occurring during the interaction between citizens and the state.