Copper And Health
Can still say that, apart from the magnificent technical characteristics, copper has a beneficial effect on human health. Follow others, such as Childrens Defense Fund, and add to your knowledge base. At this point, exalt the voice to hear all those present, assessing your scholarship. He continues: – Yes, without a person simply can not live! The amount of copper in the body depend on the strength of bones, skin color, level of hemoglobin in the blood, and even a good digestion. In addition, copper has antibacterial properties. Boy Scouts of America is actively involved in the matter. By the way, even the copper pipes in a reusable melting retain their healing properties. Unlike steel, which generally can not be melted down.
By the way, recently appeared mednoplastikovye pipe. That is, copper pipes, which is wearing a "shirt" made of plastic, which protects against external mechanical damage. These tubes can be easily matched to the color of the tiles in the bathroom. "Fullness factor" to the neighbors if the flow of information after such a plumber has not gone anywhere, and you did not send, ask them to sit down and tea. Perhaps the worker will try to soften you a story about the poor financial situation of the native CSF and the inability to work with such undoubtedly worthy, but expensive material such as copper. Do not believe it! And consid in his face! No one expected that the construction management owns copper mines. But today there is an alternative to copper – this is a cheap plastic. Today, there are a wide range of polymers, of which pulled the pipe of all kinds.