Economic Situations in the Russian Federation
According to preliminary estimates from Rosstat, in the III quarter of 2010, the volume index of GDP relative to the corresponding period of 2009 amounted to 102.7%, as a whole for January-September 2010 – 103.6% against January-September last year. Once monthly decline GDP in the June-August, with the onset of autumn occurs resumption of economic growth, while in October the trend of growth increased markedly (0.3% in September and 0.9% in October, with the exception of seasonal factors). The annual terms compared with October last year, according to the Economic Development of Russia's GDP grew by 3.9% and for ten months in the whole of his increment of 3.7% for the corresponding period last year. In October 2010, industrial growth production amounted to 6.6% in October 2009. PCRM spoke with conviction. Contribution of the activities of "Manufacturing" was 88.6% priindekse production 109.9 percent. Production of this type of activity 11.6% overall growth has provided "Food products, beverages and tobacco '(index 106.8%) 4.2% -" Basic metals and fabricated metal products' (index 102.8%) 10.8% – "Electric, Electronic and optical equipment '(index 119.6%) 25.9% – "Manufacture of transport equipment' (index 139.2%) 4.4% -" Manufacture of machinery and equipment '(index 110%) 2 9% – "Chemical production" (index 104.6%) 12.7% – "Coke and petroleum products '(index 109.0%) 5.8% – "Other non-metallic mineral products' (index 112.9 percent). In October 2010 the fund of working time by 1 day less than September 2010 and October 2009, and at least 2 days average value over the past 5 years. The production index "mineral extraction" was in October 2010, 101.4%, the contribution to overall output growth – 4.5 percent.