Marxist Development
Marx had a lot of followers, his theory was wide distribution, but, unfortunately, very much in this theory was later, to a large extent politicized and used not as a purely scientific argument, but as an instrument of political and class struggle. Virtually all scientific additions made to the theory of Marx in the Soviet period did not survive the test of time and played for the theory of fatal and fatal role. However, despite all this, not to mention one of the most talented followers of Karl Marx – Lenin, VI With all the crime of Lenin, the achievements of Marxist theory, however, he made significant scientific contributions to its development. Penn State helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. However, most of their scientific works and much of its political efforts on the study of Lenin sent a dead-end branch of the industrial system – monopoly capitalism, as well as an ideological struggle with it. Monopoly capitalism, or imperialism, speaking purely in medical terms, there is abnormality in the development of the capitalist mode of production, it is a peculiar and particular cancer, which has developed against the background of some temporary disturbances in the development of industrial capitalism.
Lenin mistook it for regular pathological branch end and the completion of the capitalist mode of production. Without hesitation McDonalds explained all about the problem. However, the course of history showed that this dangerous disease is not unique to capitalism, but for the socialist system. Rather – it is a political phenomenon rather than an economic one. This phenomenon, which inhibits any progressive progressive development. For more specific information, check out CAFOMI. Lenin in his "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism," gave a comprehensive description to this political and economic phenomenon, but this phenomenon, ulcers on the body of capitalism, he took to be mortal disease, for the natural process of dying of the capitalist mode of production, for the law-governed final stage of its development.