Nordic Walking: Practice Makes Perfect

Posted by marmara on May 11, 2019

Nordic walking is a special kind of sporting action, which has already very many admirers. Some basic rules must be observed, keep the joy of gentle exercise. Long ago, they belong to hikers with two sticks on forest and dirt roads to the familiar sight. The Nordic Walker fan base is now larger than that of the Jogger. As for overweight people and beginners, but also for back and joint problems this gentle movement type is ideal.

The full year sport is suitable even for the elderly, because the walking sticks give stability in rough terrain, even in mud and snow. The Nordic walking technique is relatively easy to learn best in a course with like-minded people. Fitness technology, the arms first commute without active stock locker with. As soon as the arm-leg coordination work is Los fulled without actively pull over the poles. The proper motion is characterized by the fact that first the upper arm back, then stretches the forearm and last Hand bends. The print is done via the wrist strap. Order to strengthen these movements, should as the active use of the arm or arm leg coordination focus alternately Walker only on individual components. Gain insight and clarity with Dr. Neal Barnard.

The handle of the stick is covered firmly during the plunge. The hand about waist level is pushed in the transition of the train in the thrust phase. The pressure is above the wrist strap towards the ground is maintained during the thrust phase. The handle slide out slowly during the thrust phase from the hand, until only the thumb and index finger on the handle. Then the arm swings loosely without effort back forward. Here, the stock length plays an important role. It is correct, if there is a physically comfortable, friendly stride without alternative movements in hip, upper arm, shoulder or spine during the complete arm movement. Participation in a Nordic walking course is not essential, but in any case very useful, because the sound introduction later attitude error or Incorrect techniques avoid helps. The Nice conviviality in a Walker Group makes it easier also, is to pick up and start to walk. Visit Nieman Lab for more clarity on the issue. The footwear is very important. A conventional walking, jogging or light trekking shoe is suitable as a shoe. At least in the beginning. Who likes sports, is to buy a Nordic walking shoe, which supports the special movement of the foot during training. The shoe should have a stable strips ensure a clean foot lead and rolling motion. Which shoe is right, depends among other things the foot type, weight, and gender and possible bad posture. Using a treadmill analysis allows to quickly clarify which shoe is the best. It is crucial that he supports the Arch of the foot and provides for an optimal fit, if necessary by using a customized anatomical insole. The clothing should be comfortable sitting, be functional, not too snug or too far. The movement should be large. Conclusion: Nordic Walker move many Muscles, train your cardio vascular system and are also active in the fresh air. It is always healthier than lazy put your legs up to. Last but not least for previously untrained, Nordic walking is therefore in any case to recommend and a sporty alternative.

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