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Review article in Russian Heat breaks records in many regions of Russia to set an August heat. Baikal expedition: the lake found a living organism, previously unknown to science. The city authorities ‘took’ over trees and parks. Polar bears threatened not only by global warming, but other predators. The remains of saber-toothed cats were first discovered in South America. In Chukotka, once killed about 800 walruses. Baltic Sea – the largest dead zone of the oceans.
Climate change threatens 80% of the most populated cities in the world. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. —- Snails choose between two evils more snails Nucella lamellosa change the shape of its shell in such a way as to protect against the most dangerous predator in its environment. These results are reported on a meeting of the American Ecological Society in Milwaukee zoologist Paul Bordeaux (Paul Bourdeau) at New York University at Stony Brook. Natural enemies of marine snails N. lamellosa are crabs Cancer productus and starfish Pisaster ochraceous. Crab shells break N. lamellosa, starfish and placed in your stomach sink hole, partially dissolve the cochlea through its digestive enzymes, and then suck it …
—- Environmentalists were selfish Volunteers taking part in various activities to protect nature, doing so largely out of selfish motives. This conclusion was made by psychologists from the University of Alberta, who investigated the motivations of volunteers that monitor the purple forest swallows Progne subis. Volunteer conservationists first and foremost motivated by a desire to get any benefit for themselves, rather than the desire to preserve the flora and fauna of the planet. People watching the swallows, admitted that they like to do it because they enjoy the contact with the birds and enjoy the feeling achieved results … Giant —- Animal Tasmanian people ate Scientists from the UK and Australia have received evidence that the cause of extinction of giant animals of Tasmania and Australia were men. Using radioisotope analysis and fotolyuministsentny remains, they were able to more accurately date their age. According to research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, people arrived in Tasmania before the extinct representatives of the so-called megafauna … —- British animal welfare advocates estimate the number of ‘victims’ According to the British organizations fighting for animal rights in 2005 to conduct scientific experiments in the world was used 115 million animals.