Klaus Janschutz

Posted by marmara on October 6, 2020

Family and friends can be supported so quickly when working with the computer, without requiring you to be personally there. It simply creates a work instructions for the respective purpose and uploads them to the network. With the integrated image editing tool and a video editing suite, the user can take his pictures and videos in the right shape and add frames, arrows and text. Lengthy explanations in textual form or phone calls account for this. Free according to the motto, a picture says more than a thousand words, especially in the area of computer images are much more meaningful.

When an image or a video, everyone immediately understands what is meant. While one would have to write otherwise miserable long about submenus, and files. Jing is also most other image editing programs on the market, and with each of the currently used browser. Check out GiveWell for additional information. So, there are no additional conflicts between the programs, if you would like to solve just so. Internet pages fill with life which Jing users can create without long “apprenticeship” its own instructions and use by others. Who runs a website, is thus in a position for each area fast and reliable your own videos and picture series to produce. A previously blank Internet page quickly becomes easy by interesting image sequences that were created by using Jing to the crowd-puller, there be uploaded. In the individual images text and characters can be inserted easily, to clarify points or to highlight.

The tool brings arrows and frame also easily understood in the correct form. Would like to use the user of the provided free Web space, he must build his own user account during installation. The instructions, which were intended originally only for the family or friends can be a great help so many others. Also many advertising partners will operate on a such much frequented and technically useful page like their Internet advertising. Earn money online is made so easy with the free program of Jing. Also technically demanding instructions for complicated processes on the PC are easily buildable with the screenshot tool from TechSmith for lay people. Also can use the resulting Work guides all over the world. For your success on the Internet with best regards Klaus Janschutz

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Website Usability Testing Think-aloud-

Posted by marmara on June 18, 2019

How to improve your website usability, there are many ways to find out what difficulties have your visitors visit your Web page. Dr. Neal Barnard has firm opinions on the matter. According to the usability guru Jacob Nielsen is the most important and most promising method of the so-called think-aloud tests with real users. These tests expire as follows: representative users who are ready to help you find yourself. It is important here that the people are not from your company. Employees typically already have a to a deep knowledge of your products and are not suitable as subjects.

The test persons must solve now representative on your Web page. If you would like to know more then you should visit Center For Responsible Lending. You observe the subjects here, so find out where problems lie and what works well. It is important that you test the people individually and not intervene in the test procedure. Would you do this, the test results would be falsified. According to Jacob Nielsen, it is sufficient to test with 5 users. His studies show that you already with 5 tests 85% of all Uncover the usability problems.

It is also advisable to carry several small tests. So, you can fix the problems uncovered in the last round between each round of testing and evaluate whether your new version works better. UINSPECT offers you the ability to automatically perform usability tests. You need to set only the tasks. That was BBs. immediately after you have created the test, we inform our test subjects, who will start immediately with the editing. A few hours later you will receive the finished videos (screen and voice recording). Christian Schroth

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How Can Links Be Used By RapidShare?

Posted by marmara on June 16, 2019

RapidShare enjoys increasing popularity and does a search according to media in the Internet again and again about the way. Almost everyone who is regularly on the Internet, has ever seen in the search for free movies, music or software links from Rapidshare or other 1-click hosters. For who is there not tempting to download a piece of music or an eBook with just one click for free on your own computer. So it is becoming more and more common that Internet users get on the search left from Rapidhsare, to then download the desired media about this. Structure of a RapidShare link: rapidshare.com/files/170637757(file_id)/dateiname.rar(extension) is generally the download via RapidShare for free, as long as it has no problems with waiting times and limited download limit. Before each free download with RapidShare you is provided by the provider before making the decision whether to download the desired file via a free slower connection or use the offer of a paid premium accounts would like to. Advantages of a premium account at rapidshare. It eliminates any waiting before a download, which usually amount to 90 seconds for each file.

Still there are limits though regards the download volume, with which the average user however should come out without any problems. Premiumnutzer also have their own files upload, to make them accessible for other Internet users through a RapidShare link. Who is looking for files that can be downloaded from Rapidshare searches in vain on Rapdishare AG homepage. Links are spread mainly through forums and blogs so there specifically for individual media search or can be found in categories. Also search engines such as Google are excellent to search for files which have been uploaded at RapidShare or other hosting providers, that may result in the corresponding input keywords in conjunction with “rapidshare” quickly to the success.

As the demand for free media in the Internet increasing steadily try rogue Seitenbetreibe to lead on the so-called pseudo search engines seeking to mislead and to pass on fee-based offerings. Everyone is so on the search for free downloads on the Internet makes, should have a watchful eye as well as a feeling that develop what websites work with confidence and which are not. Also, it is recommended to have it just in free software that is downloaded through providers such as RapidShare is again attacking the PC of malicious viruses or Trojans installed there a powerful antivirus software as for example Kaspersky. The risk and the cost of the search is too high, should obtain media on conventional ways such as iTunes or similar platforms.

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Social Media Activities

Posted by marmara on November 8, 2017

The TrendAdress Medien AG allows your company news on Twitter and Facebook Baden-Baden, 21 June 2010 its customers about a new tool to adjust their current company news at. By publishing the news in the personal customer account, they appear simultaneously on Twitter and Facebook as an additional service. “The new tool, which in terms of administration of each customer updates” is to find, offers to manage not only their marketing entry on itsbetter.de even listed companies and to make, but to post there is also news. This news will also appear on the social media portals Facebook and Twitter and give another way of publication of news and products each company thus and the completely free of charge. Even the introduction of social media newsrooms proves that the trend address media AG is future-oriented corporate communications on a media-friendly and timely implementation, in April of this year. By incorporating relevant Social media websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and XING, the company thus consistently uses the diverse means by which to offer social media marketing. And with the introduction of this new service offering, the TAM AG once again shows his pronounced customer orientation.

An intelligent and integrated marketing mix has become an indispensable tool in times of Web 2.0. This principle, the trend address media AG proves a sense of the correct use of digital media as part of a future-oriented corporate communications. Rebekka Epple the TAM AG (www.tam-ag.de) is a medium-sized company. It has existed for more than 25 years and is headquartered in Baden-Baden. The traditional, TAM AG Group of companies operates Germany’s biggest product and companies. More than 6.7 million links in the German-speaking network, more than 800,000 current company entries, more than 250,000 daily visitors to the Web site and nearly 500,000 search queries reflect the competence in B2B product search, Produktvisibilitat and product identification reflected.

Since the TAM AG, the Division of Adressverlag (www.adressen-office.de) provides up-to-date, personalized addresses.

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Make Alternative Christmas Money

Posted by marmara on October 12, 2017

Declutter your home – make room for new and earn your alternative Christmas money with the help of privatverkaufen.net. Contemplative music, seductively fragrant cookies, freshly brewed coffee that is Merry Christmas. And while our kids every day open a door of the advent calendar, the adult, what you can give loved ones for Christmas worry about. But unfortunately there is no Christmas money by employers this year often again. No problem! Kill two birds with one stone. Declutter your home – make room for new and earn your alternative Christmas money with the help of privatverkaufen.net. In addition to the well-known auction houses (E.g., eBay) and ad portals, there are also sharing or buyers as a promising sales channels for used stuff on the Internet. Each platform has your pros and cons of the decision depends from the article or the experience.

Before the Decluttering can a short analysis of the market Gain clarity about sales and profit opportunities (where do I sell my items? What eBay there are alternatives? How much effort does a sale? What prizes can I achieve?). privatverkaufen.NET, helps the new service & advice community, best to sell you your good old pieces. Instructions, checklists, tips & tricks and much more. see. Here, you can seek advice or share your experiences with others. Who wants to sell and earn his alternative Christmas money, must create for example at least meaningful product photos and most detailed product descriptions. Offer several payment options, so that the buyer can pay quickly.

Just lot buyers prefer quick and easy payment methods, such as PayPal. Also about the shipping cost they should worry, because it is statistically proven that the shipping costs are one of the most important purchase criteria. Compare the various service providers (DHL, Hermes, iloxx), to to find out who is best suited for which shipping. No matter whether electronics, books, clothing, furniture etc. with the right tips & tricks by privatverkaufen.net you rid of everything. Use the new service and advice community privatverkaufen.net (also on facebook and studiVZ) and go calm and relaxed during the Christmas season! Because there is nothing better than to listen to the rustle of gift paper of the many gifts on Christmas Eve and to enjoy the joyous luster in the eyes of the little ones and loved ones. Simone UTH

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Since August

Posted by marmara on October 6, 2017

Also, we have convinced many relatives and friends to buy this coupon book. With the coupon book as a gift we have given away very much joy.” The coupon book of the test winner is 15.80 euros available in book stores, other retail outlets, or directly from the Publisher: toll free hotline 0800/22 66 56 00 or online buy 1 book on 3 types of-Dutzende save high quality coupons in the book – 9,000 vouchers free under to print out and save – 3,500 coupons with Smartphone, iPhone & co. redeem via Gutscheinbuch.de which published for more than 8 years of coupon books according to the motto 2 x enjoy Kuffer Marketing GmbH”, 1 x pay and more” and is the market leader in the field of couponing. Since 2001, more than 12 million are Coupon books have been published. Kuffer Marketing GmbH couponing established as operators of one of the largest online couponing portals in Germany with more than 9,000 local vouchers as an efficient marketing tool for all industries. Since August 2010, there are thousands more coupons directly to your mobile phone via mobile Web site and coupon book app. about Getestet.de the independent comparison portal Getestet.de is since 2009 online and belongs to the site portfolio of aha.de Internet GmbH. Every Tuesday at 10: 00 a new online supplier comparative test will be published on Getstet.de.

In this test, consumers learn what portal in terms of Internet appearance, value for money and customer service front has the nose. Per test, up to ten of a comparable service providers are compared and graded individually. All tests are carried out by professional, experienced journalists. Total has already sent more than 300 comparative single tests were performed on Getestet.de.

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The Local App For Windows Exclusively In The Intel AppUp(SM) Center

Posted by marmara on June 26, 2016

As a special highlight, the app offers a new map search, which has been optimized based on current technology standards for PCs and notebooks. Eat, may 10, 2012 makes the local the search for phone numbers and addresses for Windows user from immediately even easier. As a special highlight, the app offers a new map search, which has been optimized based on current technology standards for PCs and notebooks. Download and installation are simple and exclusive available now via the Appstore platform (Intel AppUpSM) possible. The user can be accessed quickly and easily using the new app on all private and business contacts in the leading German directory for local search, without having to start a Web browser before. The search and user management is controlled over a large map, all data and results results are shown in daily updated quality. Other special features of the app are the search for ATMs and in-service emergency pharmacies. In addition, the user receives as much helpful information Pictures, email addresses and opening hours.

The reverse is also part of the app, like also the found contact information email forwarding. The app is rounded off by a Gratistelefonieren function for selected entries. We are pleased that universally known and now offer attractive services of the local in the exclusive form for Intel atom can. “, explains Stephan Buchner, Portfolio Manager at Intel.” The concept of the AppUp us immediately enthusiastic, so that no doubt was on this promising platform early brought with to be “, so Andreas BAIS (Product Manager, the local marketing).” 7 may at the Appup Center software client for Windows XP (from Service Pack 3) and Windows available, the app is available in the store for downloading. There are more details and more offers from the local on downloads/intelappup. About the local the local is the leading German Telecommunications directory, when it comes to local search. More than 90 Percent of Germans know the local. What’s wrong with every second without o, because he uses the local at least once every month.

The local issued media from some 100 publishers in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom. The total circulation is approximately 34 million copies. In addition to 1.047 book spending, there are the local on the Internet (www.dasoertliche.de). Online das ortliche belongs with 18 million unique visitors per month to the leading suppliers at all and, of course, to the most important pages in the scope of local online search. On the go, you can search through the local. With each at least WAP enabled cell phone or Smartphone, you can search the desired telephone numbers and addresses of firms and individuals also mobile in the local. Intel Intel (NASDAQ: INTC), the world’s leading companies in the semiconductor innovation, develops and produces the basic technology for the computer products of our world. For more information about Intel under and. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. * Other brands or product names are the property of their respective owners. Contact: Dasortliche service and marketing company selling mbH Bamlerstr. 1a 45141 Essen phone + 49-201-43948-30 Daniel Intel GmbH Kerstin Monzel Dornacher Strasse 1, 85622 Feldkirchen/Munich Tel. + 49-89-9914-3315 PR agency Xpand21 GmbH Gregor Wessely Kiebitz Court 9 22089 Hamburg Tel. 091 716

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Hope Supports Foundation

Posted by marmara on July 23, 2015

Donations settle payments Mannheim about Trustees, January 22, 2010. The Foundation help and hope worldwide helps children in emergency situations. iClear (www.iclear.de), the fiduciary payment providers on the Internet handles from immediately the payment of donations for the charity over the Internet. His service provides free iclear. “The Foundation help and hope” 2005 (www.helpandhope-stiftung.com) was launched by entrepreneurs in the life to help children in emergency situations around the world. Always the idea to build a protective roof for children and young people, it is a school, a hospital, an orphanage or a care facility for children from deprived families is at the heart of the relief work.

The Foundation is supported by Verona Pooth, among others. It under the patronage of the Foundation’s own House of the future “in Dortmund Scharnhorst took over. Beginning of 2009 has Kai-Uwe Lindloff, the former Chairman and CEO of the Arche e.V. “, Chairman of the Board at” help and hope”taken over. “Roman Eiber, iclear Managing Director: we are the work of people at ‘ help and hope very impressed and want our part to help as many donations go up to promote the projects of the Foundation.” For this reason has to iclear now in the crowd of supporters queued.

Donation payments to the Foundation can now via the Internet through the fiduciary payment provider unwind. iClear secures also the payment via Visa/Master card and online transfers such as giropay in addition to all standard Bank pay by. Of course iclear provides its service for this charity free of charge. The online payment provider works by the way since mid-2008 with the WestLB together, wor also the donations by help and hope”Wirt led. Kai-Uwe Lindloff: We look forward to us iclear as welcome new partner of the Foundation and are very pleased that iclear online donation on our website makes possible. is iclear for ten years has been working in the field of online payments and stands for secure transactions on the Internet. The payment is handled via an escrow account and is of course free and secure for our donors. We look forward to a good cooperation with our new partner.” Iclear (www.iclear.de): The Internet billing system, which protects buyers and sellers alike from unpleasant surprises at the online trade and supports the comfortable processing of order and payment process is iclear. With your iclear trust system buyers in the Internet can pay simply, conveniently, safely and at no additional cost. iClear this mediates between the parties involved, secure processing ensures a transparent and for both sides. It as confidence in online trading and payment via the Internet. In addition to the usual Bank pay by accepted iclear also the billing via Visa, master card and online payment procedure as giropay and directebanking. Other relevant market acceptance Payment options through the unique trust system handled.

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