
Posted by marmara on November 10, 2023

Everything is said directly. Alcntara Axe says: ‘ ‘ Nobody died: it left for the ignotos deserts. Woman was not woman. Which what? It was flower, passarinho, angel of goodness, fairy, the devil. For more information see this site: Steffan Lehnhoff. Woman is that she was not.

The country also passed for serious problems as cycle of cangao, religious fanatism of the Padim Cio, revolution of Canudos, yellow Fever in the River and the obligator vaccine. Without hesitation Center For Responsible Lending explained all about the problem. In Brazil we had good Daily pay writers: Euclides of the Wedge, Lobato Hunter, Barreto Rasp and others. THE POETRY: In Mato Grosso Daily pay started with the poetry. Who pri meiro used new characteristics was Carlos Vandoni de Barros. It published ‘ ‘ Cururu’ ‘ , impregnated poem already of the new style.

thus, to the few, went being forgotten poems metrificados, rhymed and one new style started to be born. Later Gabriel Vandoni de Barros appears, good trovador that deserved a preface of Agripinio Prieco. He was trovador, leaving us a book of trovas ‘ ‘ The rose and vento’ ‘ it places that it in position of prominence in the half national trovadoresco. Serejo helium – Poet of simple style, describing our folklore. The Catulo of Mato Grosso can be considered. Something is also distinguished it folklore gaucho, since the poet inhabited in Por Tip, city colonized for gauchos. Jose Alpio de Almeida Mountain range left us significant soneto: The insane person. HE CHATS IT: It daily pay-modernista chats was very significant. To this height the name of Manoel Cavalcanti Proena deserves prominence that it wrote: story, romance, assay, biographies and collaborated with notes in books ‘ ‘ Classics brasileiros’ ‘ of the bookstore.

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Tumor Out

Posted by marmara on March 11, 2022

Pancreatic cancer beat the cancer with willpower and positive thinking is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. The chances of survival are very slim, and the disease progresses quickly. Frequently BK Tech House has said that publicly. However, there are patients who have won the fight against this insidious cancer itself. Carola Ries of Heeg is one of them and has now written on their healing path a book, to encourage other interested parties. The online Department store introduces the story about the woman who beat the cancer after doctors had declared a cure already to be impossible. For more information see Paula Trickey. Nine times six times six centimeters tall was the tumor, Carola wore Ries of Heeg in itself. The intervention had to be broken off to remove it surgically, it was too dangerous. Not posted the following chemotherapy.

After a long treatment time, they told the doctors for out cured”and saw no possibilities of modern medicine, to help her. Carola Ries of Heeg decided her remaining time to enjoy and the fight against to absorb the cancer itself. And she was victorious thanks to positive thoughts and overcome their fear of death and healed herself. In tumor out into life!”, she describes her way of healing. It should, like other books of this kind, be a guide for those affected, and encourage them. It will show them that the cancer is not invincible and cheer her up, to actively participate in their recovery. More information: press / Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH

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Posted by marmara on October 24, 2020

Perhaps Vera was running for the bar, was calmed there. Arriving at the bar, Carlos who was mulherengo, tries to calm it, getting success. Vera counts to its history, what comove Carlos, who offered it one cmodo of its house. Carlos he was an excellent man. It always folloied Vera to the work.

Until Vera if got passionate for Carlos. The two had slept together and started to live as husband and woman. With the time, Vera engravidou of a boy and after two years again it engravidou, of this time of a girl. The life of this diligent woman was not more the same one. It was dismissed and it depended on the husband who was siderurgical. Some contend that Save Our Children shows great expertise in this. However the husband Carlos started to move suddenly.

It started to play bingo and to lose much money. He started to drink very and to leave with women. Certain time, Vera was waked up until afternoon waiting for its nervous husband who arrived agitated and. He tried to talk with it to know what he was happening, however Carlos attacked it with socos and kicks. Not, not, it did not believe that was happening. just with it that not age of fight. ' ' There, there, ai' ' , Vera felt pain and said: It does not beat in my head Tears. What to make ahead of this situation? Vera was for bed. It slept crying. About the following morning it thought about binding for the policy, but and children? Carlos was the only one that he worked there. Then Vera was to wash clothes and caught some spots of lipstick in a shirt of its husband. At that moment it felt a deep pain in the heart. It caught the children and it was for the house of the Lurdes neighbor. The neighbor intently received it with hospitality, hearing the problems of Vera.

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Charles Perrault

Posted by marmara on March 26, 2019

The conformity character is sufficiently present in the story in analysis, when we find the paternal or conjugal presence in the voice of the dwarf oldest: ‘ ‘ You could take care of of the house, while we are in the mine, trabalhando.’ ‘ (Story of the Snow White). Then the children inside went growing of a perspective of expansion of its culture. The girls learned in the school, through the stories, that its personal accomplishment was solely subjects to the concretion of the marriage and in the services of the house, following a patriarcal order. This if confirms to the end of the story with the celebration of enlance marriage of the Snow White with the prince. The story locks up with the marriage, as if it did not have more nothing to make, ceases the dreams the woman.

While the boys learned, then early, that they needed to grow construndo its authoritarian and determinative position, based in the construction of the corporeal properties, in the great ones richnesses, the wife, also were part of this material conquest, therefore thus she was seen: ‘ ‘ It was enough to see the body of Snow White to get passionate itself, although the maiden to be deceased. It asked for permission to the dwarves to lead I obtain the coffin of cristal’ ‘. (Story of the Snow White). In this stretch, the young is acquired as an object of whim for the masculine figure. Although these adult elements and dispossessed for the children, innumerable histories that had made and are part of the infncia of the children are, since its origin, created with the marcante presence of the fantastic one. ‘ ‘ The French writer, Charles Perrault created the bases of a new sort that had great repercussion in the history of the infantile world. Its stories of fairies show to a fantastic world repleto of fairies, duendes, elfos, ogros and other evil that heroes and full heroines of virtues coexist.

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Revolutionary Conflicts

Posted by marmara on November 27, 2018

In this direction, Baudelaire, to the life in a France marked for revolutionary conflicts? how the 1848 revolution? of a reinforcement of a rising bourgeoisie and that after if it had consolidated the French revolution in 1789, goes to be white of total revolutionary a historical moment, at which the capitalism was if expanding for the Europe and the world, science was had as the detainer of reason and the precursor of scientific knowledge e, over all, the art was if modifying. In these terms, Baudelaire is the first artist to establish an art in then the rising Modernity, that was being transformed together with the world into that moment. Baudelaire breaches, therefore, with the romantismo? now obsolete for the modern reality? starts to insert its poetry in the empirical events of the time, in the direction of more not idealizing a utopian world and that it would have to consist, but yes to portray the changes that already were occurring, a time that they were loaded of high revolutionary text. See Boy Scouts of America for more details and insights. In the words of Dolf Oehler, it portraies the moment of Baudelaire and what its workmanships would start to represent: In the truth, all these texts of Baudelaire serve to a double intention: to bring the artists ' romnticos' its public in return to the level of the facts, to breach its firmamento of ideal cliches and to substitute the aesthetic retrograde dither for a practical one that it makes jus to the reality (OEHLER, 1981, p.47). In this manner, we can now enter in the main concept that emerges in the poetry of Baudelaire, that is of the experience. The objective of the author, with the change that the art was passing together with its historical moment, was now to portray what it was real at the time, as well as its meanings for the life of the actors and personages of that history, with for example the bourgeoisie and the call multitude.

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Marculino Colonel

Posted by marmara on November 7, 2016

Eyder travelled for So Lus in order to participate of the funeral of its friend; in So Lus it observes the mass human being who was to say farewell itself to the popular bishop. Eyder cries and reflects on its life. When it returns to the Coroat, it leads I obtain some writings, of They are Joo de a Cruz and of Saint Teresa d? vila. Others who may share this opinion include Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. In So Lus Dom.

Helvcio arrived, but this left So Lus without the visit of Foot. Eyder. Later Dom. Otaviano arrived, this obtained to make with that Foot. You may find Daniel Taub to be a useful source of information. Eyder participated removes of it of the clergy, but the priest if felt constrangido by the curious looks directed by many colleagues it and another priest, also with the namorador fame. Dom. again transferred it to Otaviano to Viana.

Eyder came back in Coroat, apanhou its luggage, was said farewell to few paroquianos and took the train of Rosary to the Viana. XIV Arriving the Viana, it sighted the Church, the plaza, the parochial house, perceiving the marks of the time that passes, moreover, the house less was watched over. Two days later it received a sincere one received on the part from Jose. It perceived that its history is become popular there, but the people, excused for it certain charity for its oldness. Foot. Eyder if became friend of the new mayor, whom always it insisted with it so that it wrote its memories. In the party of Kings of 1929, Foot. Eyder it bradava of the pulpit that the people never prays for its vicar, in relief tone, questioning as the people could demand a perfect priest if he did not pray for it. In the May month, it very suffered receiving the notice from the death of Marculino Colonel without none of to its called it relatives for it to manage the extreme-unction, therefore you did not want that the priest if interfered in the division of the inheritance; this was well explicit when the priest visited the relatives of Marculino colonel and, he was expulsso for one of them.

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Smart Retire By M. Linz

Posted by marmara on July 18, 2016

The fear before the pension poverty has an end clever ‘retire’ is unique in Germany. Anyone who wants to make it through the coming years of disasters needs! “, so the pensions experts at a Frankfurt Convention about the book of the success author Manfred Linz.” Many are of the opinion that their upcoming or already begun pension is safe to them. Why not? After all, the Government promises an extreme recovery after the crisis. But the reality looks completely different. So threatening 40,000 companies in Germany, for example, in the year 2010 to go bankrupt and the financial crisis will take, however, promises also to no end and this means that millions of pensioners will be poor, because precisely this reality is denied them. For this reason, the success author Manfred Linz book decided clever retire ‘ to write exactly these errors to make final and retired people the unique opportunity to give, to secure their retirement.

The book is intended to help, a maximum pension get taxes to save and thus his money before the access of the State to protect and finally to optimise his investments. Defending his subject in his book the two large more pension. More money. More protection. “‘, as well as better quality of life for you” and informed to all facts, what it requires for the safeguard of the pension. Also: What basic services from the statutory pension insurance can expect, which Riester products you must absolutely avoid, correct and important leisure of facilities for a successful wealth accumulation, what you as a retiree can earn, as a home for the investment is, what insurance is absolutely necessary, the seven deadly sins in retirement should not commit, and much more. Who so his pension will benefit, would like to know how to save his money, already more pension Gets and as pensioners the best time of his life experience, which is with clever retire ‘ all-round well advised. AK book sales, clever to retire “, 275Seiten in the large format A4 for 59, plus 3,50 Euro shipping costs

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Chosen Chronicles

Posted by marmara on May 30, 2014

It can have a high window of where I see the sky and the sea, but must have one I sing well sossegado where I can be alone, quiet, thinking my things, one I sing sossegado where one day I can die. The youth can live in these glad barracadas ones of cement, us needs solid ortalezas; the house must be before everything the inviolable asylum of the sad citizen; where it can bradar, without fear nor shame, the name of loved its: Joana, JOANA! – certain of that nobody will hear; house is the place of walking naked of body and soul, small farm to speak alone. Where I, that I do not know to draw, can take days trying to trace in the wall the profile of loved mine, without nobody sees and smiles; where I, that I do not know to make verses, can improvise songs in high voice for my love; where I, that I do not have belief, can pray the occult deities, that are only mine. House must be the preparation for the secret biggest of the tomb. BRAGA, Rubem. 200 Chosen Chronicles. 17 edition, Rio De Janeiro: Record, 2001

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Posted by marmara on December 25, 2011

Declared in the header of the theme of this note may seem strange and naive only because its readers are not familiar with the text of the original sonnet 67 of Shakespeare or not it can be for any reason, read carefully, to translate and analyze: Ah wherefore with infection should he live, And with his presence grace impiety, That sin by him advantage should achieve And lace itself with his society? Why should false painting imitate his cheek And steal dead seeing of his living hue? Why should poor beauty indirectly seek Roses of shadow, since his rose is true? Why should he live, now nature bankrupt is, Beggared of blood to blush through lively veins? For she hath no exchequer now but his, And, proud of many, lives upon his gains. O him she stores, to show what wealth she had In days long since, before these last so bad. The test is divided into stanzas of the original in order to draw readers' attention, possessing the qualities noted above, the main thing in this text, in its third stanza and key. At the same time so as not to tear these readers clumsy translation of the author and his translation is limited only marked parts of the sonnet. Ile he lives, the nature of the ring – bankrupt, and the blood of a beggar in order to burn with shame – now saves the last resource, and many proud, live it good? Oh, to show what value she belonged to it infamous these days do not keep it longer.

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