
Posted by marmara on September 22, 2018

A school of 1 existed degree that taught to the employees and children of whom familiar ones worked there also some as Pablo Cesar grandson of Cantidiano (he was the proprietor of the Castle), who paid the wage of these professors was the proper proprietor of the farm. He had an infirmary with ready doctors and nurses to consult some worker who came to need the services. Many employees for working in the cut of the sugar cane, some times cut themselves and needed first-aid services and as in the proper plant the disposal had doctors they did not need to leave the workstation the search aid medicates, because the professionals already met there to take care of them. He had a workshop in plant being one of best of the south region of Sergipe, being used it to fix the broken wagons, to change tires, to fix some you scheme that they broke everything this, not to lose much time and not to harm its production, because something was had that to contract people who worked in neighboring regions she could delay some days for I came to adjust objects and as already they had people the disposal of the Device Castle, when needed concert immediately the qualified employees for this was the disposal. Beyond the sugar activity it existed the plantation of coconut of the Bahia and the creation of cattle that lead the wagons having more than 1,000 heads of cattle, possua also a still that also used to advantage the broth of the sugar sugar cane to make cachaa and this product was vendido in such a way for the botecos of the proper village, as well as for neighboring cities. The house of the Castle was one mini manufactures where daily the employees made requeijo, dose of Calda, skimmed milk and produced butter, in the garden the planted flowers was vendidas for arrumao of parties for neighboring cities, Ranch was one of the cities that more bought flowers of the Castle to make ornaments and arrangements of marriage.

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Luis Nicholas Fagundes

Posted by marmara on September 21, 2018

Beyond the great coffee production and of the illegal traffic of slaves, Brief also it was distinguished in the politics, local how much in such a way national. Between its works politicians it was the mandate of speaker of the house of Are Joo Landmarks, that exerted for some times, and member of the house of representatives of the province of Rio De Janeiro. Moreover, it kept relations with the circle of the monarchic power, participating, also, of the Shout of Independence, in 1822, to the side of Dom Peter I. Brief faleceu the 30 of September of 1889, in the farm of Are Joaquin of the Gram, in Passes three, being embedded in the chapel where it ordered to build, also in the farm of the gram. For its vast Brief coffee productions were known as ' ' king of caf' '. Beyond the comendador Brief, They are Joo Landmarks received important personages as the poet Luis Nicholas Fagundes varela, that it initiated its profession in the city, then after to form lawyer for the law school of So Paulo, in 1836. Moreover, it is commented enters some former-inhabitants of the region that Leopoldina Owner, wife of Dom Peter, would have a farm in the roundnesses of the city where she liked to pass some days.

Of the time of the coffee They are Joo Landmarks inherited the colonial architecture, printed in its casarios and the churches. Also it is important to detach the Beautiful Bridge, constructed together with the road that bound Is Joo Landmarks to the Mangaratiba, where was drained the coffee production. The bridge, built in rocks of would sing and support walls, possess 180 meters of go on the Brook of the Lages. Bronze used in its construction was pillaged by travellers and, currently, part Da Ponte if it finds submerged in waters of the dam.

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Brazilian Work

Posted by marmara on September 18, 2018

Thomas Skidmore searchs to work the enslaved black in Brazil at the moment of transistion of the escravismo for the free work. At this Skidmore moment the formation of the Brazilian structure considers as great concern, that is constructed by the elite in the years of 1870 the 1930. The author searched the Brazilian intellectual production of the period, you influence to identify them of the French culture and the jesutica tradition. In the workmanship ' ' Black color in the Branco' ' we can notice a work directed toward the racial relations in Brazil, abstracting the aboriginal influence and centering themselves in the euro-African. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Leaving of this estimated that the Brazilian racial ideology was elaborated by a elitizada intellectuality, Skidmore searchs to make a deeper inquiry of the period that understands enters the years of 1870 the 1930, searching answers for the problems regarding the racial theory as a social phenomenon that influenced and will influence the future of the Brazilian nation. Thus we can perceive that diverse analyses regarding such subject had been carried through searching to justify racial theory of Brazil. Valley to remember that Thomas Skidmore works the three main theoretical schools of the racist thought; detaching as first to the etnolgico-biological school that systemize its philosophical formation, second it was to the historical school that represented the most diverse differences between the races, placing the white as the superior and the third school if it pautava in the social darwinismo that defended a evolutivo process that defined the start with an only species. Therefore diverse works had been carried through that it searched to inside explain the racial theory and the transformations of the Brazilian society from the mestization and of the relations between whites and blacks, an academic production whom if Milk detaches with Nelson Werneck Sodr and Dante Moreira, but Skidmore make clear an intense work leaving its critical position, taking an argument spirit and searching a definition more ' ' autntica' ' of the Brazilian nationality..

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Posted by marmara on September 18, 2018

This tribe of the Amaznia, formed for 350 aboriginals, located to the edges of the River Maici, hunters and collectors the tribe possesss its proper characteristics in what it says respect of the verbal language and writing. In accordance with the Theory of Noam Chomsky, the acquisition of the language has ticket for diverse sectors since the birth the child passes for a process of construction of the lingustico world, come then to make comparisons of the language. In century XX, Chomsky got a great creation for the lingustica, where it created ‘ ‘ Gerativa’ grammar; ‘ , in which, if she seats the manifestation of universal, underlying cognitivas structures to the species human being, based on the intuition of the falante. Chomsky suggests that the capacity the grammar, was a source of language based on the hypotheses of the universal lingustica in the study of the biggest possible variety of languages, to classify the variation and to create theories based on the results of these classifications..

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Municipal School Pupils

Posted by marmara on September 17, 2018

Exactly that they continue and know and pass to the subsequentes generations, exactly thus we consider safe more the written register, also so that is worked in the School of Nesting. 4 the School and the Nesting: a relation to be redefined Amongst the aspects that we considered in them to analyze is the School. As information yielded for the proper Secretariat of Education not yet has a proposal that it takes care of to the especificidades of () the pupils () seated (). Swarmed by offers, Boy Scouts of America is currently assessing future choices. He is valid to stand out that the school is multisseriada and currently is seen as a school of urban zone. Today extension of the Municipal School is considered Samuel of the Lacerda Valley, although to be registered in the MEC as communitarian school. Account with the resource of the PDE and contributions of the Municipal City hall of Valena. The school was total communitarian, with an enormous envolvement between it and the families, to such point of the festividades to be directed to the sundays so that the families participated.

Everything that was carried through by the school had that to have the approval of the family. Moreover, an union between educator, family, pupils and the workers existed. (In: Story of Research) the Communitarian School Advising Antonio it is born under the conception of Popular Education, as well as the too much communitarian schools detached by the Foot. Edgar. It exception that the freireana pedagogia goes to base practical the pedagogical one in these schools. The Salete teacher for being involved with social movements and of Church was invited by the Foot.

Edgar to lecionar in the Communitarian School Advising Antonio. We observe that the proposal curricular necessary to open space for the culture of the proper pupils. The dominant culture in the classrooms is the one that corresponds to the vision of definitive social groups: in the pertaining to school contents and the texts they appear few times the popular culture, the subculturas of the young, the contributions of the women to the society, the agricultural forms of life and disfavored peoples (except as exotismo elements), the problem of the hunger, the unemployment or maltreatment, racism and the xenophobia, the consequncias of the consumerism and many other problems that seem ' ' incmodos' '.

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Russian Cossacks

Posted by marmara on July 26, 2018

1996) led to the process of revival of the Cossack went beyond the social movement. Cossack organizations have official status, the ability to coordinate activities at the federal level. The Cossacks were granted the right to carry the public service, including military, customs, nature protection. Of course, that society is interested in the possibilities of adapting to a resurgent Cossacks current conditions, finding the best ways to use it. What niche will take the Cossacks in the Russian state and society of the XXI century? What is the Russian Cossacks in the past and present? That, strictly speaking, we are actively 'Revive' and trying to 'use'? These issues are the researchers, the townsfolk, Cossacks themselves for centuries.

LN Tolstoy said that the Cossacks have created a Russia that every man would like to become a Cossack. Many historians, writers, Cossacks themselves were asked questions about the origin of the Cossacks, that is the same as the Cossacks phenomenon in world history? It appears that the Cossacks should be regarded as a military community – multiethnic social community, formed in the border area – the frontier, the distinguishing feature of which is the military profession as the main occupation. Virtually all countries in the period of feudalism there were various paramilitary groups performing specific functions related to military service in the broadest sense. These groups can be attributed rekonkistadorov on the Iberian Peninsula; knights in Switzerland Gaidukov, Cleft, granichar Balkans haydamaks in Ukraine; Gurkhas in India, the samurai in Japan, etc.

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Linguistic Family

Posted by marmara on April 24, 2018

The linguistic family is constituted by a group of languages for which if she formulates a hypothesis of common origin, therefore, they are manifestations diverse and modified by the time of an ancestral language. For it, the biggest problem is that the majority of these ancestral languages is prehistoric, without no documentation. From studies description-comparative degrees of these languages, or at least of some characteristics of these, they are initiated of the discovery of the correspondence between them, through sounds, of words, grammatical forms, of at least two languages, formulating hypotheses on the differentiated derivation of the languages current. (Gomes, s/d) the Tupi-Guarani family, of which the Tupinamb (or Old Tupi) was part, if detaches enters the other families of the South America, thanks to the territorial extension where its languages are distributed. In century XVI, these languages were said in practically all the extension of the Brazilian coast and in the basin of the river Paran.

Today this lingustica family can be found in the Maranho, Par, the Amap, Amazon, in Mato Grosso, in Mato Grosso of the South, Gois, in So Paulo, in the Paran, in Santa Catarina, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, Rio De Janeiro and the Espirito Santo; beyond being found outside of Brazil, in the French Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Costuma to say that the language of the Brazilian aboriginals was the Tupi-guarani, without if it knows that it is committing an error. This Tupi-guarani is not nothing more than the ethnic trunk of the region colonized for the Spaniard who belong to the Tupi, as well as if it make reference to reference the Indo-European as linguistic trunk..

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PCB Proper

Posted by marmara on February 14, 2018

With this, he goes to have a great process of superexploration, and a presence of total inferior a wage payment to the regional minimum soldier’s pay. He is valid to stand out that, the labor laws, in this conjuncture almost that inexisted in the conception of the minds peasants, a time that, although to the few a considerable majority of peasants was passing for deep changes in its daily one, if approaching each time more than the proper urban proletariat, this agricultural population, first, not yet was ready to suffer a so radical change, in view of the secularidade of its old relations of work and production. Being thus, when the agricultural wage-earner passes if to become the more numerous popular classroom, it does not go to have one ' ' proletarian rural' ' organized and critical to its labor laws. The modification of this picture lode of sufficiently pragmatic form, therefore the proper circumstances, practically compelled to a releitura politics on the conjuncture of this determined moment in the agricultural areas northeast. Front to this conturbada modification in the production, parallel to a significant increase of the exploration to agricultural workers, to the first organizations of social fights in defense to the campesinato do not go to have a so revolutionary speech, the point to long for a proper agrarian reform directly. One knows that the first Leagues Peasants, appear as civil organizations and if they reveal on total to the yearnings of fights of the PCB? Brazilian Communist party, in middle of the decade of 1940. This because the proper partisan interest would be before everything a centralista organization around syndical institutions. These unions in turn, more present in the urban areas, searched to defend the interests of the wage-earning classrooms, that is, proper left the communist one did not have an experience in the boarding on the rights of agricultural workers who were not fit in the industrial system of the effective time.

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Southern Urals

Posted by marmara on January 27, 2012

Nomads in the Southern Urals History of the Southern Urals – a history of all peoples, expansion into its territory since ancient times. Its territory from time immemorial been a scene of interaction between the two branches of civilizations – settled agriculturalists and nomadic pastoralists. Consequence of their interaction over millennia was uneven ethnographic and anthropological composition of the local population. Let's try to examine in brief the main stages the early history of the Southern Urals in relation to exposure to it by the various nomadic peoples. The Scythians in the Early Iron Age, from the VII century. BC.

Oe. – IV century. Mr. Oe. throughout the Southern Urals, including the central and southern regions and the steppes of Bashkortostan, was inhabited by nomadic Iranian-speaking pastoralist tribes – the Scythians, the great carriers of world culture. Scythian migration of the Southern Urals are linked to the return of the Scythians from the campaigns in the Middle East at the end of VII at.

BC and re-development of previously conquered lands. Priuralsky steppes were only a small part of their nomadic territory. About them knew antique and ancient Persian authors. It was during the so-called 'Scythian efohi '. Analysis of artefacts confirms the conclusion of participation in the genesis of Scythian culture of the early nomads of the Southern Urals. By the time of the birth culture of the early nomads of the region in almost all categories of inventory are recorded Scythian origins. Primarily, this provision applies to items of arms and horse reins.

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Mongolian Tribes

Posted by marmara on January 19, 2012

Huns in the IV. Mr. Oe. appear in the Southern Urals Turkic Huns. This happened when they moved into Eastern Europe as a result of a long move to the west of China's borders. This mass movement of the Huns to the west spurred the so-called Great Migration of Nations. Huns – the people, resulting in II-IV centuries. by mixing the Turkic Huns and Ugric tribes Urals and Volga region.

Huns created a huge state of the Volga River to the Rhine. In the military commander and ruler Attila tried to conquer the Roman west. Subjecting a number of German and other tribes, led by a powerful alliance of tribes undertaken devastating campaigns in many countries, came to Constantinople and Rome. Promotion of the Huns to the west was stopped by their defeat at Catalaun fields combined forces of the Romans, the Franks and Visigoths, Burgundians, Saxons. After the death of Attila, a vast and fragile state education Huns collapsed. Avars followed by the Huns in the VI.

Priuralsky steppes invaded in crash – large tribal alliance, the main role played in that Turkic tribes. Crash – one of the earliest historically attested Mongolian tribes. Russian chronicles called Avars – obrami. On few, they lived plunder and conquest. Avars, the collapse of the Hun monarchy and moved to Europe through the steppes Priuralsky. In VI century they formed between the Danube and the Carpathian Mountains State Avar Khanate, which is regularly raided the land of the Slavs, Bulgarians, Czechs, Swiss francs and in Byzantium.

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